Gold Nugget
Frost Owari Satsuma
Keep an eye on HD and Lowes during spring shipments. Ask the manager when they get them. I’ve seen quite a few rare varieties from FWG. Next option is God’s Little Acre or other pricier nurseries.
Unfortunately no one will ship to CA. You’ll have to find someone already there. The California clone program does send out clean budwood to CA residents for really cheap.
As far as I know you can only buy citrus at your local nurseries in Ca. If you are not in your quarantine area you cant even buy, I just got rejected at a nursery just 20 miles from me but was told I could buy at the same Green Acres in Folsom , maybe 10 miles away. The above post was supposed to have replied to you as for favored varieties. My computer skills are pretty bad to say the least, its a wonder I can even post photos!
Thank you all!
Do any of these survive in a more northerly climate zone?
Satsuma is the most cold hardy edible citrus. They can survive a few hours at 18F or so.
Gold Nugget and Pixie are my two favorite.