I grew some from seed last year. I keep them in pots because I’m to far north. I had one flower last fall. Hopefully they grow good this summer.
This is my Passiflora edulis,a purple skinned variety that I planted from seed of a discarded fruit,when visiting Bill Merrill in Fremont,CA a few years ago.
There haven’t been any flowers yet,but the leaves are bigger than previous ones and maybe in a month,the plant will be put in a greenhouse.
I did grow Maypop one time and a few flowers developed and then,the whole thing died during the next Winter. Brady
Beautiful Steve. Thanks for sharing.
I’m about ready for the big adventure…planting it outside. My one plant has now sent a very healthy sucker off to the side of the pot. I need a second one, I guess, for pollenizing. The flowers are amazing.
Yes, you will need 2 plants (genetically distinct, not from suckers) if you want fruit.
You got to meet Bill! That’s awesome! I was just watching his newer ones from the Big Island.
Nice bloom! I was wondering why mine never set fruit. So I added some yellow edulis from seed this year.
flower from today
Yes,he showed me around his backyard.I was there for the Pawpaws and he gave me some great tasting Feijoa.
I emailed him about going to Hawaii someday and am fairly certain that the new address was included in the reply,for visiting. Brady
I processed a few ripe passionflower fruit pods some years back. The translucent juice inside was good, but if the pod is squeezed or crushed, a milky substance is released that I found unpleasant.