Medicinal herbalists

There are several good adds you can do to carnivore diet…

Beef bone broth is a great one.

Also… roasted beef bones… for the bone marrow.

I do electrolytes daily… or can have leg cramps at night.

When you eat out… check the menu for combo meals… stake and fish or shrimp or chicken or lobster.

Sometimes you can add a shrimp skewer.

Having different flavors textures… helps keep it more interesting.

I started carnivore again yesterday… Jan 1.

January is officially world carnivore month.

Hopefully I will be off the NSAIDs in a few weeks.


Steak and butter gal… and Shawn Baker… an invite to a video series on starting carnivore.


A typical carnivore breakfast for me… bacon sausage eggs… and 1/3 stick of kerry gold grass fed butter.

I will be cutting more firewood today and this will hold me until 2 or 3 pm with no hunger.



@rispa… I tried these two similar arnica products.

These were available at our near by local walmart… and both products had 4.5 star ratings… lots of people giving them good reviews.

Followed the directions… felt little to no relief.



My wife uses a lot from this company


Someone told me to eat pumpkin seeds when my wife and I were trying to get pregnant because they’re high in zinc. Maybe just anecdotal, but we have 5 kids now! :rocket:


Zinc and selenium are important nutrients when it comes to that, at least on the male side, yes. But I’d add that most of what’s enabling higher numbers of kids is stuff going on on the female side.


How right you said. Why those who understand that presents a very tiny layer of our society?

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What do you use mulberry leaves and blackberry root for? I eat mulberry leaves as a vegetable. Somewhat coarse, but then, so am I.
John S

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This is a fantastic thread. We don’t have a health care system. We have a disease profit system. I’m not mad at doctors and nurses. They are also the victims of this system.

I can’t mention all of the ideas I’d like to say, but here are some. I agree with almost everything that people have recommended. Obviously, people have differing ideas about carnivore vs. vegan, vaccinations, organic, etc. I am just going to offer some web sites that I think are helpful. If someone thinks that this has nothing to do with fruit, Pumpkin seeds, mulberry leaves, blackberry roots, and tart cherries have already been recommended. I advocate for 3 of those and I’m interested in blackberry roots.

For athlete’s foot, I agree that taking your shoes off is key. I remove shoes and socks in the evening. I grew Arnica from Strictly medicinal seeds, plantain weed, arnica and made it into an oil that has helped with my painful cracking feet. I also use UNREFINED coconut oil to stop fungus. It’s cheap and it works.

John Douillard has a great site that pores through Ayurvedic medicine and uses natural healing that way. He was a medical professional with pro sports teams and is a chiropractor:

The People’s Pharmacy is a web site that features two pharmacists who are willing to look at natural, low cost herbs and home remedies to see whether there is any science behind them:

Green Med Info is an alternative health site. They are very anti vaccines, which may be great for some people’s views and terrible for others, but they have lots of useful info about natural medicines: is a web site run by a vegan doctor as a non-profit. He advocates for achieving health by eating whole food plant based lifestyles. He is a little biased in favor of vegans, IMHO, but he has great info about science-based critiquing of our medical system.

Jim Roach, MD, is an integrative doctor who uses natural healing along with standard hospital approaches. He is skeptical of the Big Pharma approach. He does include some spiritual ideas in his newsletter as well, but it’s mostly science based approaches to natural health. You can sign up for his excellent newsletter here:

You can always check out pub med, the unfiltered data base of publications on science that we Americans pay for. Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about this one, because they include studies from other countries that aren’t controlled by our powerful medical system:

Sorry for the long post. This topic is important to me. I’ve already had many friends die, and I’m not young either.

John S


Hi John, mulberry stick and leaf is a traditional ingredient in traditional Chinese herbalism. In my case, I use it when my allergies are acting up more. My immune system is over-reactive and the mulberry is supposed to help with that.


I am right with you, it’s a fave topic of mine too. This discussion seems to fit in quite nicely with growing fruit and I’m happy to see it on this forum. Thanks for sharing resources. I’m a big fan of Strictly Medicinal Seeds too


Good info on the mulberry leaf. What is blackberry root used for?
John S


Anyone use black seed oil? I’ve been taking it for about 2 months. The bioavailability is somewhat low from research i’ve seen. Someone needs to come out with a phytosome/liposome of it.

I’ve been using nanocur (tumeric that is very bioavailable) and also dihydroberberine (trying to get my blood sugar under control).


I get black seed from a Middle Eastern store near my house. Super cheap. I grind it in a spice grinder and put it on my food.
John S

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I’ve used mulberry leaf extract for years and my allergies have been controlled and immune system at peak. i rarely get colds or flu anymore. i plan to harvest my mulberry leaves in the future and make a tincture to use to save money on the capsules.


Here are my notes on blackberry from my herb files:

Cooling, astringent

Tea from leaves or root is used to treat diarrhea and as an everyday tonic. Lowers blood sugar (proven in studies too).

Topically, decoction from leaves or root is good for skin irritation. Regarded as good for everyday mouthwash too, for improving gum health and easing mouth ulcers. Poultices and compresses are used on wounds, bruises, and hemorrhoids.

Fruit are an excellent anti-inflammatory food, as is the case with all berries, and one of the most nutritious of all fruit, when analyzed as a function of nutrients per colorie


I aspire to this too. For now I save my tree trimmings and make tea from freshly dried material. Tinctures are so much easier tho (can store long term, less work to take it), and I’d love to make it regularly. I have yarrow and mullein tincture I made that has remained potent for years, and the cost was a tiny fraction of buying.

Glad to hear another report on the benefits of mulberry! I love thinking about how orchards can also be seen as natural medicinal cabinets

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i grow many medicinal plants amongst my trees and bushes. mullein showed up on its own and planted itself in a perfect spot near my i.e mulberry. my wife thinks it’s pretty and i planted it there. :wink: got yarrow and plantain that grow here naturally as well as many others. goldenrod is everywhere.


I bought tumeric roots at trader joes to grow out. I’m pretty sure they grow like ginger.