Medicinal herbalists

Wondering if there are any medicinal herbalists here? Or if someone could recommend a good forum to join?

What is a medicinal herbalist?
Medicinal herbalists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the use of plants and plant extracts to prevent and treat various health conditions. They combine traditional herbal knowledge with modern scientific research and clinical training to develop personalized treatment plans for patients.



Off course, but we mostly hide (you don’t want to let big pharma know your whereabouts :wolf:) . If you find a forum let me know! :wink:


Muntigia calabura has been proven to repair the pancreas and essentially reverse diabetes in mice :nerd_face: i have 2 plants. Found out you gotta eat the leaves to have the best effects. Drinking the tea doesn’t give as long of an effect on my blood sugar levels


My cousin is quite knowledgeable in cutting edge use of plants as topical antibiotics. Here is his article.


I like richard schulze, he is a good salesman and that is what is needed to compete with pharmaceutical influences. He has a very cool history of doing work for free decades ago and even had the only herbalist emergency clinic with an ambulance ive heard of existing in the usa. Closed down now but anyhow i find the guy very impressive. Basically anyone coming out of the older days of the school of natural healing in utah seem to have lots of experience and in some ways was one of the most focused on real world application. Not sure who all the main players are nowadays, like mentioned above i think many go out of the shooting line in the usa.

I think now a days integrated medicine, alt research on gut biome and diet is the main gateway for public to get into natural medicine, but another problem now is the lack of reliably clean sources for plants n supplements. Best is backyard or locally foraged.

Seasonal fasting and intestinal cleaning can go a long ways for healing seemingly unrelated issues by simply giving the organs some time to rest and repair themselves.


I’m interested too.

I’ve learned of some herbs that are absolute magic over the years. Cats claw is the most amazing to date. Serious immune booster and works on humans, dogs, and birds for sure. Hard to overdose. I’ve read can cause miscarriages during pregnancy at very high dosage. I’ve seen it save animals that should have died and I haven’t been significantly sick since taking it. I use Now brand and take 2 capsules 3 times a day when such, then 2 times a day for 3 days after.

Thyme (I’ve heard oregano works as well) is an excellent antifungal. There’s an Avian disease called Avian gastric yeast that acts like both a bacteria and fungus, so it’s hard to treat. Thyme in the water daily treats it. We did it for 3 months and that lovebird that would get sick again every time we took him off very meds to the point the vet gave up, lived like 7 more years to 19 years old.

Valerian root and aloe Vera can help with sleep.

Consuming orange/orange juice with vitamin c improves effectiveness. This can also help with anemia, though doctors won’t tell you that. Don’t give to soft bill birds because they are not efficient at processing iron and it can cause their body to have iron toxicity.

Milk thistle is well known for helping the liver.

Tulsi and rose are good for an immune boost and detox. I think the tea I use has a few other things too. I’ll have to check. It’s a brand that’s for birds that is no longer around.

Honey is magic. Seriously. On open wounds it’ll clean them and won’t even hurt. It’s also magic when injected while sick. For kids cats claw can be mixed into it to make it more paletable.

Arnica helps pain, inflammation, and healing even when applied near the wound instead of directly on it.

Dmso is an anti-inflammatory and has been proven to help with brain swelling. It can make things taste like garlic, so make sure any critter that has it applied eats.

Citrus oil is a mosquito and big repellant and can be infused in tallow for a nice moisturizing cream.

Best thing I’ve found for eczema is BodyBiome’s tallow cream with oatmeal. Just add a tsp of powder stinging Nettle for extra soothing.

Numi’s tumeric three root tea is amazing for any tummy trouble including morning sickness. It is tumeric, ginger licorice root, and rose.

These are all things I’ve used first hand and definitely seen positive results with.


Can you share more or point me in the right direction please, insomnia (my insomnia) is what I’m trying to treat. I’ve tried so many differnt OTC and dr prescribed scripts. Some helped a little, some not at all, most had side effects. We finally have one that seem to work ok, along with german chamomile flower tea, that grow and dry the flowers annually. But the dr prescribed script is a controled substance. It’s a pita to refill and besides I would rather not continue with it unless I have no other choice. I’ve already asked my dr, and he said he’s not againt me trying vervain.

I have a huge aloe vera plant growing in a large pot, so I can bring it inside over winter. I also have blue vervain (verbena hastata) which grows wild in the natural area and that I dont bush hog on the over flow side of the pond bank (east side).

My wife will makes me up a batch of anti biotic from regular common herbs we grow along with a little local honey, when I rarely need it. It works and works well.

And yes… people seem to cringe when I use iodine to treat a cut. But thats what I grew up using and it also works well also. I dont get their reactions sometimes, it baffles me.


Prayers and support to all the families affected by hurricane helene.


It’s weird that people cringe over iodine. That’s what’s used in hospitals still.

I’m no expert on the sleep side since I handbrake personally had issues.

Aloe doesn’t help you get to sleep, but it can improve the quality of your sleep.

Valerian root helps you go to sleep and stay asleep, but can alter mental state, stop keep an eye on that. A friend tried it once and hallucinated as she woke up. Another friend uses it religiously to help sleep through his chronic pain.

Magnesium is another that can make a big difference, but it’s a little tricky. There are several different types and they interact with people in different ways and some are better than others, so it’s worth trying all of them in my opinion.

I would start with the magnesium. Take one for a week and record your reaction, then go off it for a week, then take the third for a week, then go off it for a week. Etc. Compare your notes on them to try to figure out which works best. Go on that one for at least a week, preferably a month, then try the valerian root. The reddit link has a great break down of the different magnesiums.

Next I would try valerian root. If it works stick to it. After that aloe to see if you’re also quality improves. You can use fitbit to judge your sleep quality.

There’s other stuff, but when I’ve read about it I thought these were the most compelling. I’d they don’t work there’s other stuff worth trying.

Might be worth trying a carnivore elimination diet too. That can affect mental health in a positive way. I had improved sleep quality too the point where I needed less sleep.


Potential hallucinations, something to be aware of most definitely :astonished:.

I really appreciate you and taking the time to reply. I shall reseach all of your post. I’m looking for something solid, so I can have a somewhat educated talk with my new dr at the end of the month.

But already by following his recommendations my health has gotten A LOT better. BMI is now in the normal range, and blood tests now are also in the normal ranges. Before I was too heavy and blood test results were all jacked up. I had to buy new pants :laughing:

Thanks again

Prayers and support to all the families affected by hurricane helene.


Amen and ditto your support and prayers to this area.


As natural remedy manufacturer/importer/distributor I faced with seems the same problem - I cannot find a herbalist, a medicinal herbalist staying close to ND’s specialty in the USA willing to learn about Manuka honey, bee propolis, shilajit, cedar sap oleoresin therapeutic properties and health supporting effects.
Regardless of several clinical trial reports been published at scientific magazines ( abroad), several Universities ( from abroad) published their discoveries, her in America natural medicine stays not popular.
Indeed, I became a curious - Why ? maybe it comes from American popular motto , " Why fix if not broken" ? Preventive medicine is not popular, not populated, not much discussed. Why ?
Maybe because Big Pharma has employed a business model called “milking cow”? Healthy nation is not profitable. It seems very true.
You are right : no forums for that topic or specialists. I sent 1443 invitations to people on LinkedIn who has “herbalist” word on their profile. I got 3 replies for 2 years. I sent 1670 invitations to those who marked themselves as Naturopathic doctor, Naturopath, Alternative and Integrative Medicine practitioner. I got 1 reply without providing email address to be able to send promised clinical trials.
I cannot imagined Americans been brainwashed so heavy and systematically. You, my dear compatriots, prefer to swallow purified synthetic vitamins and derived from unknown souses minerals in form of capsules, caplets and tablets. Do you really believe mother nature designed human’s body and its digestive system to consume and absorb purified synthetic vitamins, macro and microelements? Really?


Putting out feelers here was a long shot. I’m pleasently surprised over the few responses recieved.

Prayers and support to all the families affected by hurricane helene.

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I wanted to add a short back story. Many years ago my wife and I befriended a Amish family. When we bought the farm we had our amish freinds over, their children fished the pond and us adults walked around. I was simply amazed how our friends identified so many plants and their uses.

Just as an example… they identified elderberry growing wild. I’ve heard of elderberry before and only knew it upset my stomach. They told us of its health benifits and how to prepare it and how to make sryup, jelly and tea. To this day we still follow their recipes, which my wife has hand written in a recipe book. I chose elderberry as an example because it appears to be somewhat widely accepted.

Our Amish friends have since moved away, as Amish often do. However, we still exchange letters via snail mail from time to time. We learned so much from them during our three year friendship, it radically changed our lifestyle on a number of topics.

Prayers and support to all the families affected by hurricane helene.

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I hope crowd funding of science (is anyone aware of an existing platform?) becomes more of a thing. I dont trust studies by either the mainstream pharma or natural/herbal medicine companies because some results are obviously more favorable to their financial interests than others. Regarding crowd funding of studies on herbal medicine, I think there would be eough of a mix of skeptics and believers and people who are just curious to even out conflicts of interest and approach something like neutral.

On a related note, would love to see a better study on annonacin content of various pawpaw varieties that measures actual concentrations of that compound.


If you are taking metformin, you might want to look at berberine (a natural substitute) I went to a seminar on aging and someone asked the scientist that was doing research on aging for a natural option to metformin and he mentioned it and said in various trials the results were the same or better with berberine. My mom has been taking it for like 7 years now and keeps her glucose levels in check.


The best natural antibiotic that I have used is garlic, I use it for any respiratory illness and stops it on its tracks, its also good for cholesterol and hypertension. I even used it on the bat flu and it was so good I did not even test positive after taking it even though my whole family did and I still had minor symptoms. Also great for chickens with the flu.


I’m not taking anything since I’m ok without it. Instead, I’ve been eating the leaves off the tree :sweat_smile:

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Oh and muntigia calabura helps it so that you won’t need diabetes help since it’s supposed to repair and heal the pancreas. I’m only eating it since i read the articles on it. Personally, i have a high distrust of a lot of thing so unless i can read 2 weeks of medical documents on something when it comes to specific plants, i usually won’t try it unless it’s just a tasty fruit :sweat_smile:

Speaking of tasty fruits, i read a few articles about 9 years ago in regards to mangosteen fruit repairing and fixing cancer in people and animals. Didn’t know my dog at the time was dying from cancer but i bought a bunch for him and after a week of a fruit twice a day, he was fine. He got attacked by another dog and relapsed afterwards and that’s how i found out he had cancer cause his signs came back but the fruit was out of season. We went to the er almost every day for a month until he gave up on treatment so i put him down when he told me no more. Thinking back on it, his sickness came back a few times during his short 4.5 years and every time, i would give him fresh mangosteen and he would be okay after about a week of eating it with his meals and as snacks. I know they say causation isn’t correlation or whatever, but feel like the stuff i read might have been true. If it wasn’t out of season at the time, maybe i could’ve saved him again… regardless though, my new dog after him who’s almost 8 right now, has the exact bumps and scars he had since birth so I feel like I’m getting a second chance somehow. He even responded to Atlas when i first saw him cause he felt familiar. I named him Chronos though. Whenever myself or the dogs get sick and it’s in season, I hunt mangosteen down even at 29.99 for 4 fruits sometimes.


When i need a antibiotic (rarely) my wife mixes up a batch of ingredients in a blender and stores them in the dosage sized jars in the refrigerator. Then she reminds me to drink them at the right times twice a day (morning and late evening). I know is it our own grown garlic, whole lemon and local honey are some of the ingredients, but I dont know them all or the quantities. All I know is it it’s not all that pleasant to drink but it does work.


A little history on big Pharma. I did not know heroin was a Bayer creation.