I’m interested too.
I’ve learned of some herbs that are absolute magic over the years. Cats claw is the most amazing to date. Serious immune booster and works on humans, dogs, and birds for sure. Hard to overdose. I’ve read can cause miscarriages during pregnancy at very high dosage. I’ve seen it save animals that should have died and I haven’t been significantly sick since taking it. I use Now brand and take 2 capsules 3 times a day when such, then 2 times a day for 3 days after.
Thyme (I’ve heard oregano works as well) is an excellent antifungal. There’s an Avian disease called Avian gastric yeast that acts like both a bacteria and fungus, so it’s hard to treat. Thyme in the water daily treats it. We did it for 3 months and that lovebird that would get sick again every time we took him off very meds to the point the vet gave up, lived like 7 more years to 19 years old.
Valerian root and aloe Vera can help with sleep.
Consuming orange/orange juice with vitamin c improves effectiveness. This can also help with anemia, though doctors won’t tell you that. Don’t give to soft bill birds because they are not efficient at processing iron and it can cause their body to have iron toxicity.
Milk thistle is well known for helping the liver.
Tulsi and rose are good for an immune boost and detox. I think the tea I use has a few other things too. I’ll have to check. It’s a brand that’s for birds that is no longer around.
Honey is magic. Seriously. On open wounds it’ll clean them and won’t even hurt. It’s also magic when injected while sick. For kids cats claw can be mixed into it to make it more paletable.
Arnica helps pain, inflammation, and healing even when applied near the wound instead of directly on it.
Dmso is an anti-inflammatory and has been proven to help with brain swelling. It can make things taste like garlic, so make sure any critter that has it applied eats.
Citrus oil is a mosquito and big repellant and can be infused in tallow for a nice moisturizing cream.
Best thing I’ve found for eczema is BodyBiome’s tallow cream with oatmeal. Just add a tsp of powder stinging Nettle for extra soothing.
Numi’s tumeric three root tea is amazing for any tummy trouble including morning sickness. It is tumeric, ginger licorice root, and rose.
These are all things I’ve used first hand and definitely seen positive results with.