Melons 2022

Sorry, I didn’t label mine. I don’t know what it is.

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Lol, I know the feeling. If you ever find out what it is, let me know.

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Got a few small ones that the rodents left for me. I should have done a better job labelling then, not sure what variety they are.


With those strong ridgelines, probably has some french or charentais parentage in it’s history.

Orange Glo, picked today, 27.5 lbs, brix 11.5, very sweet and excellent flavor.


That looked very nice.

I gave up OG a few years ago. Hard to get the picking time correctly. Moreover, not many I know like orange watermelons. So I go back to grow the usual.

I went with the tendril this time, as the bottom was almost all green except for one yellow strike. Color looks artificial, but flavor is very unique, and I like it a lot!

I grew it for a couple of years. I like it all right but not enough give it my limited yard space.

I remember bringing it in to my office, all coworkers thought it’s cantaloupe :confounded:

Orangeglo is hard to beat for an orange flesh watermelon.

Of the pink watermelons, Ledmon is very good.

Of the yellow watermelons, Yellow Moon and Stars is exceptional.

Of the red watermelons, Wibb is one of the best.

Of the unusual but very good flavored watermelons, Bradford is exceptional for eating and has very thick rind that makes excellent watermelon rind pickles.


This is Sibirskaya Roza, a short-season watermelon developed for growing in northern Russia (Siberia I believe from the name). This came in a trade and I was excited to try it. 3-4 melons per vine so far and the vines are quite manageable. The description said 3-5 lb, but this one was a bit over that.

It was very yellow on the bottom and I thought it was ripe.

But maybe it needed more time. Although the seeds were brown it wasn’t fully colored inside and the it wasn’t very sweet. The taste was still quite good actually and it would have been an excellent melon if the sweetness was higher. Maybe another few days or week on the vine? We’ve also had a lot of rain in the last 10 days so maybe that diluted the sugars.


I had this melon today, it’s my biggest melon so far, it’s very sweet and not too ripe either, the only problem is I don’t have a clue what variety, lol. I’m saving this half for my husband.


Picked my first for the season Charleston Gray today, 8/21/22. It was 29.5 lbs, a bit overripe but it was still very nice and sweet. Brix was 12. The drought is good for something.


It does look just slightly over ripe- hopefully it wasn’t soft inside. But it also looks beautiful. The flesh is more red than mine usually are- my CG are usually more pale/pink. Yours looks true watermelon red. Yours is also quite big for a CG in my experience. In short, I think you should be very proud. Aren’t watermelons fun?!?! You just picked 30 pounds of fruit in one fell swoop! Granted that is mostly water and a lot is rind, but its still a lot of fruit without a whole lot of work. Great job.

It was firm and very sweet. The flesh color is darker pink than other CG we had in the past. The pic was taken in the bright sunlight.

Although a lot of times, checking a tendril method (to see if a watermelon is ripe) works. It is not this time. This CG’s tendril was as green as it could be.

See the color of the CG’s tendril.

Yep! This is why I keep saying no method is full proof. Had you waited for that tendril to die and dry out, that melon surely would have been ruined. Its just tricky! But you are getting better and better at this.

It doesn’t look overripe either.

Crimson Sweet, same weight as Charleston Gray, 29.5 lbs. Brix 11.


Best of my watermelons this year was “Strawberry”, sweet and very good flavor here in Houston area. 1 good variety out of 6! Janosik flavor not very good but last year great and yellow as well. LeeLanau Sweet and Blacktail Mountain a few runts and none good enough to eat. Royal Golden, none. I got the seeds in late and started watering late. There is always next year.

IMHO best way to tell readiness would be to plant all the same variety. When the tendril is brown, the belly yellow, and a good thump try one. If ready there you are. If not wait a week and try again. When they get ready pick them all. Now what to do with dozens of melons?