Mid Pride Peach

Mrs. G, Perfect purée of Napa valley makes an amazing passionfruit purée (nice tropical tart without over sweetness). When I looked into ordering the shipping was pricey because they ship on dry ice to keep frozen but they have a ton of different fruit purées if you could recruit friends or family for a group order or use their website to find out if there a distributor in your area. I infuse a habanero vodka and make passionfruit cocktails with it but I’m sure you could whip up some out of this world baked goods!

Gorgeous blossoms on your peach Richard!

Richard the town I will be in, the lowest temps go to 35 degrees F. So maybe I have a chance!

Thank you so much!

Yes, you could grow the cultivar “Frederick”. Other cultivars of P. edulis are not as productive or cold hardy. It will thrive there.

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I’m growing the Red Rover cultivar of Passionfruit. It survived a few hours of 26F fine. The tender tips had some dieback but the main vine looks healthy. It has about 6 fruits ripening on it right now from last year. No idea if it’ll taste any good.

Janet was outside shooting pictures today and captured these of the Mid Pride Peach blossoms …



… and the 2.5 gallons of fruit sets Janet thinned from the tree today :slight_smile:


Any guesses on when you’ll be harvesting Mid Pride this year? I’m getting my first MP peaches this year and I’m not sure what to watch for to know these are ready (was a graft from last year). I’m usually pretty close to you as far as ripening up here in the OC. Thanks. Bob

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My guess is a week or two. :slight_smile:


The “shoulders” (near stem end) should be softening. Press very lightly to avoid bruising. But otherwise, taste is the best indicator – and it’s a quick teacher.


With peaches (as with many other fruit) the easiest indicator of ripeness is detachment force. Fully ripe fruit detaches with little to no effort.


Beautiful peaches Richard! Picture, perfect. And they taste good too!

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Let the harvest begin!


Nice looking peaches. Do you have to spray your peaches there?

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I do spray with copper when they’re dormant. Sometimes I spray with pesticide (Bayer Leverage) for aphids around April but it wasn’t necessary this year. The same is true for late July for larger insect pests – we’ll see how it goes.

Day 2 … and the tree still looks untouched!


Today I finished thinning the tree. I filled 3 or so inches of a #2 pail. :slight_smile:


beautiful tree…just the other day I grafted some mid-pride scions to my largest peach seedling tree. not sure how it will do down here…

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First ripe fruit of the season!