Monarda punctata (Spotted Beebalm)

My wife grabbed this one at a native plant sale this year and I am glad she did. The blooms are very cool and are a nice addition to the late season wildflowers we have.


I had this in my garden as well and really liked it. Unfortunately, it just failed to come back one year, which surprised me since my other monarda are vigorous growers that just keep spreading and multiplying.

Thanks for reminding me of it. I’d like to try it again if I can find it at one of the local sales.

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I had an amazing showing of False Aster on my creek banks after cutting a bunch of brush last year… out of everything i have blooming the bees are absolutely loving these. I think i have a few New England Asters here and there as well.

I have several beebalms and mints as well but ive never seen such activity as i do on these Asters…maybe its because they are so late blooming.

I am going to get into Goldenrods more too.

If you read my Mexican Sunflower thread… i just noticed that they bloom until frost…but the heads that die are forage for finches. They have been really giving a good show picking every seed from every deadhead…

We need a pollinator topic. I love everything pollinator related.


Beautiful! Another great Monarda is M. bradburiana. Zero issues with mildew and I love the spherical seedheads after the petals fall.