More muscadines

@crabman Where are you located?

Can anybody in zone 6-7 name some of the varieties they have that are excelling?

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Drew51- I am looking for cold hardy muscadine varieties. What varieties do you have fruiting in zone 5-6? How often is there winter damage?

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I only grow grapes. So I don’t know much!

south central kentucky, supposed to be zone 6b


Not yet. I have been putting them in the freezer for later. I am planning on buying s steam juicer soon.


Steam juicers are nice. I have a Euro Cuisine EC9500 juicer that I got from Walmart a couple of years ago. Its basically a knockoff from the much more expensive Mehu-Liisa. The downside of the Euro is that one has to add water every 30 minutes or so. Unfortunately last year I nearly burnt the pan up when I neglected to add water in time.

Some say that steam juicers take nutrients out of the juice. I don’t know if that is true or not but I did this year put my concord grapes thru layers of cheesecloth to get a large portion of juice out prior to steaming.


Surely you mean feet instead of inches.