A few morels are up in my nursery area ATM. I have spread chips over the whole area as mulch. There were lots of mushrooms up early this year, but I was unfamiliar with most of the varieties so I did not risk harvesting them.
I have started using bags of mushroom manure rather than chicken or steer around my trees. I’ve seen way more mushrooms since doing this. One tree I potted was loaded with morels a few years ago after topping it with mushroom manure. Since then I’ve figured I’d stick with the mushroom manure to increase the harvest potential in my nursery area.
I like to dry them out. The flavor gets more robust IMO. Then rehydrate, chop, fry in butter and add to a creamy white sauce (bechamel or such). Serve on fish or pasta. So FN good!!
It’s still early for them here. They grow in the mountains in old burn zones and don’t come up until after the snow melts. Here’s a few pics from a couple years ago: