Moving apricot, not yet dormant

A new leach field and the associated excavation work require I remove a small Tomcot…maybe 2.5-3" diameter and 10’ tall.
I was hoping the tree would be dormant or at least defoliating by now, but fall runs late all over The northeast I hear.
I’m not sure the tree warrents any exceptional effort. They are really a stretch here, and I never expected them to be very long lived. This is the only one of four around the property that seems strong, several have died. This tree shows signs of gumming, but I see that a lot in native black cherry that are healthy, and it worries me less than it once did in stone fruit here.

But I am thinking, why not try a bit. At the very least cut down with spade in a ring and then have the machine do a scoop and lift while here.

I may also just try to free it up by hand completely if the tree hasn’t taken in too extensively…our native soil is tough digging.

Any further suggestions? Hand defoliate prior or after move?

This late in the yr I’d probably not be too concerned about leaves. The tree has plenty of stored energy. So move and water in. If it wilts and drops it’s leaves I don’t think that will hurt chances of survival. But that’s all speculation.

dig it and be done… I moved a decent size sweet cherry around this time of year many moons ago…it lives to this day…i remember it had leaves on it… A lot of my trees are turning colors (peaches), but the apricots still look very green. They seem to be the last to go to bed.

Make sure the ground is very moist at least 24" down prior to moving.