MULBERRIES what are you growing?!

You would collect your gerardi scion wood when it is quite dormant (like in January)…

Scion wood is wood that grew last year.

Once collected… you can store it in the refrigerator crisper drawer for months…

I wrap mine with sullaphane and get most of the air out… which helps the scion wood retain the moisture it has in it.

Then in the spring… when your mulberry wakes up… has nice green buds … perhaps small leaves…

That is when you take your dormant scionwood out of the fridge and graft it to your actively growing mulberry.

That scion wood wakes up, buds swell, shoots and leaves … and over time the graft union fuses together (callousing).

Check out some of the spring grafting threads here on the board… lots of good info and examples. On youtube there are many people showing how to graft. Search youtube on cleft graft, modified cleft graft, whip and tounge graft, bark graft…

Skillcult has like a 9 part video series on youtube that covers all things grafting related.

You can learn all winter… and be ready by spring.


A few examples…