I planted an Oak tree for shade along the fence of my yard. Well the squirrel dug out the acorn and girdled the tree. So I’m now looking for a fast growing shade tree that gets to about 30 feet tall. What varieties would you suggest?
I already have a Pakistan Mulberry and like the fact that it grows fast, bears early in the season and the berries don’t stain.
Sounds like the squirrel did you a favor! I’m always trying to remove things like Oaks which shade everything else…
I think most mulberries will fit the bill. Maybe just avoid things which are dwarfing or weeping. Giraldi, for example would barely provide enough shade for a family of squirrels.
Be careful with what sellers call “Pakistan”. If it is the named cultivar from a reliable grower (e.g., Dave Wilson) then it is a Morus alba. These trees were brought to Pakistan (and elsewhere) from China millennia ago.
For folks who have the room (including 20’x20’ for invasive roots): White Fruiting Mulberry, specifically the cultivars ‘Tehama’ and ‘Hunza White Seedless’.
to my taste, pakistani’s are at least as good as the best albas, so i’d say second only to nigras. Even if people might find it far behind in taste(which i doubt), it is still worth having because it seems to be the earliest of mulberries(apart from being huge), whereas nigras ripen quite later in the year.
It makes a nice ‘early’ appetizer for the main(but late) course of nigras.
as for hardiness to zone 6, i am not aware of anyone here who’s successfully grown it outdoors and unsheltered/unheated year round. But @Derby42 has just posted a pic of his pakistani bark-grafted onto an alba in zone 6, and am really curious if it will survive winter.
pakistani’s are a bit strange. It is often the last to shed its leaves in autumn/earlywinter, and the earliest to leaf out(and earliest to bear mature fruits) compared to other cold-hardy albas, and yet it seems to be the least cold-hardy among albas.