I understand that it is best to plant the weakest cultivar facing south. I am expanding my of multi graph trees and I have no idea which is the weakest cultivar on each. Advice welcome
- Zee Sweet 4:1 Splash, Emerald Drop, Flavor Grenade, Geo Pride
- Pulot 4:1 Flavor King, Flavor Queen, Flavor Supreme, Dapple Dandy
- Cherry 4:1 Glacier, Montmorency, Emperor Francis, Lapins and Early Burlat
thanks two down two to go
Of the pluots Flavor King has been least vigorous. Flavor Supreme the most. All the rest don’t seem that much different. But I’d not argue with Steve’s positioning of F Grenade.
I agree on flavor king.
I have the 4x1 cherry and Glacier dominated it. I cut it out because it was too vigorous. The least vigorus on my tree is Emporor Fancis.
Light blue indicates the glacier. Not much care was given to making sure that limb got to me undamaged.
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