Muscadine trellis

I have seen the positioning of the vine both ways but should the vine be placed in the center of the wire between two posts or close to one post to support the weight better? Assuming a 20’ trellis, in one instance one would have two arms that could grow 10’ each whereas the other has one 20’ arm.

Here’s a few photos of my grape trellises. Halfway along the 80 foot span is a Southern Home muscadine grape vine.

Depends on how you intend to maintain the ground under the vines. I mow under mine so the vines are positioned next to a post. Muscadines are vigorous growers so they need lots of room to expand. My trellis is constrained by the size of my yard so I had to plant vines on 15’ by 15’ spacing. If I had more room, I would have spaced them 15 feet between rows and 20 feet between plants in the row.

I made T post trellis for my grapes with the top crossbar 3 feet long. I braced the end posts so they can’t lean as the grapes load up over the summer. Then I ran two wires the length of the trellis. As the vines grew, I trained them with a cane down each wire. The result is much higher sun exposure because the vines are spread out wider, I can mow under the trellis because the posts are 6 feet above the ground, and harvest is easy by standing next to and sometimes under the trellis to pick fruit.

What would I do different if I had it to do over? I would start with a bigger yard so I could plant my vines 20 feet apart in the row and I would make the top crossbar 3’6" long so I could spread the vines out just a tad more.

You can do it either way. Mine fall close to the posts but not on them.

Sorry for the bump, but I need help… I am constructing my trellis now, which should have been done sooner, but with the copious amount of rain we have had lately, it has been put off. I am supposed to pick my muscadine vines up from Ison’s this month, so I have to get busy. My question concerns end post bracing. Due to the amount of room I have, some of my vines will be on double curtain trellis. I am using old light poles for end post, with a shorter one placed inside for a 4x4x8 treated brace. My post are 8 ft long with 5 ft above ground. My vines will be planted a couple feet from the post, even on the single run. My question is, will this bracing be sufficient for a double curtain run of 60 ft with 4x4 line post every 20 ft.? I don’t have the end room for H-bracing on the ends. So I hope a good diagonal brace will work.


I’ve always used 8ft spacing for posts.

Hi, Richard. I have been thinking that I may need to put post at least every 10 feet.


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I am also using 8’ poles sunk 3’ in the ground and I am not having any problems. I am only going into my third year so time will tell if it holds up but right now it is very solid. I have two 40’ runs with one pole in the middle.
If you are worried about strength I would put concrete down around the end post. I did not put down concrete but I have really solid soil. If you can use a post hole digger and dig your holes as narrow as possible and disturb as little soil as possible. This does not apply if concrete is put down. You may also consider putting your plants at the mid point between post. The plants trunk will give you a bit of vertical support in an area you need it most and keep some tension off your wire.

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Thanks guys and gals for your input. I believe I have it figured out. Is anyone growing Majesty Muscadine? I know it’s new, but I figured someone may have it.


I got my vines in. I went with Sweet Jenny, Darlene, Late Fry, Hall and Pam for bronze and Black Beauty, Ison’s, Big Red, Supreme, 15-11, and Paulk for blacks. My trellis is up except for the wire, letting my posts settle in after all this rain.



That is a good assortment. Hope they do well.

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Finally got around to making trellis for 3 muscadines first year. Lane, BB, Supreme if I remember right. Goodness, it’s hot early!! Started the trellis at 0530 and finally finished about 0900.

Blueberries in the background first pic in 5th year. Rabbit-eyes. I won’t grow any other blueberry here in Southeast. (Clarksville, TN area).

Let’s see what these muscadines will do. I pruned as instructed to one vine. Leaving one vine to climb to top and than pinch at top to make two vines to go left and right. Will be a while before that.