Muscadines 2021

I prune off anything growing back towards the trunk. I also prune off most of the stuff growing down off the bottom of the cordon. Sometimes I leave a bottom growing spur and take it off the next year.

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I have three 8 year old Majesties. The most productive ones are next to an Ison for best pollination.

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Would you consider them higher quality?

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I just read my comment again. To be clear, they are females and require a pollinator and Ison is a good pollinator. It could have been misinterpreted as next best in quality. They have texture similar to a ripe plum. You can take a bite out of one. Bite into most muscadines and your shirt will be wet. More edible skin. Taste is good. Not as cold hardy as Delicious. If I only had 4 or 5 varieties, it would be one. I haven’t weighed a vine’s production, but if an Ison does 80 pounds, a Majesty does 50 for me.

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Muscadines budding out 1-2 weeks later than they did in previous years. I was wondering if relocating them had killed the plants but they are slowly starting to emerge now. Added a light circle of 10-10-10 around each plant today spaced about 16" from the trunk.

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Mine look dead…except they aren’t. Bleeding good after pruning and still have green cambium. But the buds aren’t swelling…still sleeping soundly. I think the -2 degrees put them in a coma…

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Keep us updated. Mine are waking up, but someone mentioned on Facebook they may suffer when the heat comes on. Dang that freeze!


I really believe that…their wood looks funny. Kinda dry. We’ll see…

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I saw inch long buds today on several of my muscadines.

One of my goals this year is to produce 30 or so new plants from existing varieties.


Not much to show on the muscadine but I’m getting a little leaf push.

I still have the dead look.


I did see a couple of buds on one of mine pushing hard to show a leaf… :+1:


Some of my vines have buds pushed out an inch long. It is early as we are due for a frost next week.


My muscadines are always the last thing to break dormancy, right behind my persimmon. Mine are still totally dormant but the Victoria Red grape and Razzmatazz are just starting to grow. Just for reference I have apples on the tree right now the size of quarters.

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Three or four of my muscadines have splits in the trunks. They’re going to have to be cut off 3 feet or so above the ground. I’ve had this before and it means they’re dead meat. Sometimes they’ll leaf out, but then the leaves wilt and die in June, just using up whatever energy is in the wood. In zone 7, southeast Missouri. We had a severe cold spell in February.

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Sorry about the damage/setback but with the roots and trunks okay they will grow back fast. Is the damage all on one variety or on different ones?

Quick question on muscadines and late freezes. We are headed to 29 degrees tonight and tomorrow night. My dines are going on their second year and pushing out 1/4 to 1/2 inch at the buds, maybe a few a little more. So no real leaves yet, but certainly, tender growth exposed. Are these in danger of getting killed at that temp? I know most other fruit tree leaves coming out will probably be fine, as should my berries.

Either way, there is nothing I can do for my 3 larger vines that are most of the way down their wires from last year. But my like Paulk isn’t all the way up to wire even, so I could cut the ties off the support pole it is on and just coil it up and put a bucket over it. I noticed several people said their small Paulks didn’t even come back the second year so I expect it is still pretty vulnerable at this smaller size. Thoughts? Let it ride or run out and do the bucket thing?

Thanks for any insight.

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Hope your vines handle the 29 degree low. My low is expected to be 30. This sounds like a good time to get post after the temps dropn to see how well each of our vines do.

Well, I got nervous and figured I should at least make the effort. Instead of a bucket, I decided to use a 15 gallon root pouch over the vine once I coiled it up. I pinned the edges down with rocks. Hopefully this keeps it from getting frosted. It is such a little vine I’m not sure it has the strength to bounce back if it is damaged.

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My low is 28 tonight with about 1/2 of growth on the Lane Black Beauty, 29 is tomorrow. No protection, its just going to have to tough it out.

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