My favorite winter time flower

My favorite winter time flower. Year after year the daffodil survives with no care and it is never disappointing.


Beautiful! I’m just a little bit jealous - right now it’s 15 F here …


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Auburn, I have Paperwhites in bloom since November…but only leaves so far on my earliest spring blooming daffodils. My favorite winter bloomer is Wintersweet (Chimonanthus Praecox) due to the incredible fragrance it emits for several weeks. And we cant forget Camellias! Randy/GA


Daffodils are up maybe an inch or two at most here. My late planted ones (Around Thanksgiving) aren’t doing anything yet.

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I have a couple Hellebores in bloom. :slight_smile:


Daffodils probably won’t show themselves until March or April here. I remember seeing them in early February when I lived in SE Arkansas, and it blew my Yankee mind.

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For me it is crocus. After a long ND winter it was so good to see them. They grew wild on the prairie and were the first sign of life. Here in TN they come up about in a week. I haven’t seen them yet. Our daffodils are about two inches high.


My winter jasmine is blooming well right now in 6b


I also like crocus but I don’t have any. Do you know if they can be mowed over and still flower the next year. I let my daffodils die back before mowing or they don’t bloom so well the next season.

They are up. I was in CO skiing and yesterday when I got home they were there to greet me.
Auburn, I avoid mowing them for a few months to let the bulbs recharge. They grow so low if you mow high you may not cut them. Be careful not to spray them.



Graftman what’s your location in zone 7 that you get crocus this early? I’m about a month away from seeing crocus I think.

Crocus are still probably almost a month away here I think as well and daffodils even further. For me, the true winter-blooming flowers in my yard are the Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger) and the native Witch Hazel (although it isn’t the classically beauty of regular flowers). This is the Christmas Rose about 10 days ago. Since then it has picked up more pink and is now finally slowly fading.


I’m in Nashville.
Zones can be deceiving, it is the minimum winter temperature that determines the zone. Not the average winter temperature. We will have a cold snap several times in the winter but most days are mild.


I listed hellebores several comments back…so I agree it’s lovely. And, the deer won’t eat them!
And they come back bigger and prettier year after year after year after year…you get the idea.

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