It’s been 4 years now and have been fruiting for me. I originally bought it out of curiosity. Some workers at the Grocery Outlet haven’t got a clue. Do you?
Is it even an edible fruit? It grows like our forsythia!
It’s not a peach lol. Looks a little like a mulberry to me but the emerging leaves look wrong
Sort of looks like pomegranate to me, yet unless it’s in full leaf or fruits you can not tell what it is,
The fruits are surely edible, touted as one of the super fruits and I hit the jackpot as it is soft seeded with dark red arils!
You hit the jackpot!
I hope to see the fruit.
Wow! Sounds like the story of my life, bought a pear but ended up with an apple tree instead…love Pom though!
Bought a kumquat from Home Depot that bears mandarin fruit…
It’s a miracle!
Be nice to see some leaves…Autumn olive? or Goji?
I would bet that it’s a pomegranate. And that’s ‘wonderful’.
this one is soft seeded, bears ripe fruits a month earlier than Wonderful.