My Only Empress Plum is Large

Only one Empress plum on my graft this year, but it is a whopper. Just starting to get some color, it should be ripe in October.


Hi Kevin,
Thanks for posting! Now I know the variety of a mature tree on property line of me and neighbor. This tree is probably near 40 years old and is always a heavy fruit producer. Very nice and sweet, very few insects, I never have to spray it, only water quite a bit during dry summers like this one. If you want more scions I can provide them.
Kent, wa


Mine was also bigger than a large egg. I posted a pic back two years ago, I think. I like this plum. Between Elephant Heart, a large J plum and Empress, a large E plum, we have the bases covered!

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Here was the old pic. Empress next to an egg.
Mirabelle (yellow) and “ Castleton” (possibly mislabeled)


My first Golden Transparent fruit on last years graft, scion provided by BB. Grafted onto one of my Prunus Americana that has yellowish green fruits about size of Quarter when ripe.
Golden Transparent

Native Prunus Americana

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Looking good!