My Orchard Projects

Here are some blooms and fruit sets of my Jonathan apple


I also have 4 of the 6 of my 4X8 planters filled with dirt. It has rained some off and on this week and I never made it around to filling the other 2 yet… I also built a 4X12 planter out of 2X12s yesterday evening and will fill it as well. Well when I get a day where the dirt isn’t as wet.

I also planted some cabbage and lettuce plants yesterday as well as some lettuce, spinach dill, sunflower and gourd seeds. I also set a couple strawberry plants in one of the planters. Mybotjers are growing in a container elsewhere but my little girl wanted some there as well. Need to get some pics of the filled containers.

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Sorry for being so plant illiterate :man_facepalming: but can someone id these for me? These are from my in laws. I have a few of these bushes now as well. I took cuttings of them and stuck them in the ground and they took. I have started a few more this year as well but no idea what they are called…?

EDIT @mamuang thanks for the id of weigela :+1:

Thanks in advance for any and all help :+1:


I got out my scions and went to the orchard to graft some this evening. I hate to waste anything and still have some scions that I want to try and use up. Not sure if this will work or not but it can’t hurt to try. The weather looks to be in the 40-60 degree range for the most part the next several days. Couple days will be in the mid 60s. All of these trees are leafed out so we will see. I grafted to individual trees, Red Merilynn, Herefordshire Russet (corner apple tree in orchard) and Red Royal Limbertwig (a whip and tongue graft). Calville blanc d’hiver, Wolf River, Horse and Rosemary Russet to one Key apple tree. Brushy Mountain to a bigger Key apple. Blacktwig and Cox Orange Pippin to a Key apple (one of those grafts was a whip and tongue) . I grafted Ruby Limbertwig, Black Limbertwig and Swiss Limbertwig to another Key apple in the corner of the orchard. T budded a Niedzwetzkana to the Jonathan apple (may not work this time of year but just trying to see).

As you can also read, I tried a couple whip and tongue grafts. We will see if they take, if they do I will try and get a pic of them after they heal.

Now the wait… :laughing:

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Sounds like the grafting bug has bitten you pretty bad. :grin::grin::grin:

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I rather enjoy grafting :grinning: So far so good with lots of takes. Hope that these take that I did today as well.


Suppose to get down to 36 here tonight! I sure hope we don’t get a frost :man_facepalming:

I put all my potted grafts in the garage tonight.

Also, I noticed that deer have decided that my cherry trees looked to good to resist… Damage to several of them and some of the black cherry trees I set out may not make it :persevere:

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The grafts held out well in the garage :laughing: but I have noticed that my peaches and the Kieffer pear have dropped most of the fruit already :man_facepalming: I hope to get something from them but the cold weather and all the rain and wind we have had in the last several days must have been more than they cared to deal with… Apples still doing well but who knows :man_shrugging:


A couple pics I took of my orchard this morning


These are a couple of the black walnuts trees I dug up earlier in the year and planted in an area away from my other fruit stuff


This is the way to that area and also some pics of the area where the walnuts are.


Things look like they’re really greening up there. I’d say in a couple weeks we’ll be totally leafed out.

BTW, we have black walnuts all over the farm, they are some tough trees. There’s been several cut down down to stumps and they have come back. I don’t care for them, way too much work to open them, and waay too bitter.

When will you be planting your newly grafted potted apple trees?


My father in law has them and free to dig up is always great :grin: I like the way the trees look as well. My parents had one when I was growing up and I use to use them as baseballs. I would throw them up and use my bat to knock them in the woods. So they are a great tree for memories.

I really don’t care for them either. Any good varieties that can be grafted to them? :thinking:

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Don’t know about grafting to them. I like English walnuts a lot better, but don’t know if they’re compatible with them. Maybe @Lucky_P or @Barkslip could comment?


I don’t care for them either. There are some interesting single lobe black walnuts that crack great: ‘Stabler’ - which has single and double lobes; Throp, an all single lobe b. walnut. Much easier to crack but you still need a heavy duty cracker like ‘The Master Cracker’.


Okay. But can you graft English/Persian walnut onto black walnut?

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Oh, yes, and it’s great too.

English/Persian stops growing early (sometime summer) and it as a rootstock could very easily produce unfilled nuts that are smaller.

Heartnut shouldn’t be used unless you can’t find black walnut.

I don’t know about butternut because I try to put everything on b. walnut, soley. It’s the best rootstock for the entire Genus for climates matching it’s “grouping” on a phylogeny chart.


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What type of nut would you recommend for me in zone 6b @Barkslip :thinking: I will let them grow out this year and go from there :+1: So far I have 4 that are coming on with leaves. I am going yo try and get some more next winter as well.

Grainger, Porter, Shagbarks

Selbhers, Fayette, shellbarks

Pecans: you can grow any cultivars you want in Middle TN. I like Hark and I like Kanza cause they produce where I am in Northern IL.

a couple heartnuts: Rhodes, Imshu



Thanks for those suggestions @Barkslip :+1: I may need to track some scions down by next winter now!