My Orchard Projects

We sprayed our peaches with Kocide 3000 today. Man…there are a ton of fruit buds on our trees this season!


That is great! Would love to see pictures of that @maineorchard :+1:

I will try and get some pictures of our peach trees tomorrow. I’ve been up to my eyeballs with blueberry pruning…peaches will be next. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful (55 ands sunny) so should make for some great pics.

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Sounds great! :+1:

Ever think to do some green manuring, plant some ry and till it under when it gets 24” high. With all that property, no guessing here.

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Someday when I get a tractor I may try that but for now it is alot smaller scale for me. Meaning hand tools, a wheel barrow and a lawn mower. I have a utv and a truck for hauling as well and I did have an 8n Ford years ago but didn’t use it enough for it to be running when I needed it, so away it went. I have a Troy Bilt Horse II tiller but I wouldn’t even want to think about tilling all that with it… I have used that tiller for a lot of different things though, I even dug a footer with it and a shovel for an addition to the back of our house. The footer was as wide as the tiller and 12- 18 inches deep. That was a fun job :smile:

That 8n did actually help me to disc and sow all that land years ago. I mowed that front field for several years before finally just letting it grow up. It is amazing how fast things can grow up without maintenance. I almost let it grow up to much where my first orcahrd is but got to it before trees got to big.

Poncho 65, look at my avatar, does that like yours. Wish mine had a front bucket, love that thing. Had a small Kabota, misuse that tractor, not made for what I am doing, gone to.

I am sure it looks a bit better than thebone I had :wink: mine was un great shape though. It was a 1948 model and the serial number put it an an earlier 8n, it was right after they quit making the 2n when my one was built. My father in law has bought and sold many of them in the last 20 years. He bought them in rough ahape and then fixed and painted them. Moat of the time making some fairly good money on them :+1: Had I been older (like now) I wpuld have kept it but back then I needed something tjat wpuld run when I needed it to and it ran great when it ran but I usually had to work on it everytime before using it and tbat was frustrating for a young man :blush: I always love to see the old red belly Fords and for as long ago as they were built many of them are still around and going!

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Some of my grafts! They are coming out very well! These are the very first grafts that I have doen and they were cleft grafts on to an Anjou and a Kieffer pear. I grafted 2 each fo Korean Giant, Moonglow and Harrow Delight.


The Kieffer pear is also setting fruit and was sprayed yesterday evening.


My Red Jonathan apple will be in full bloom in the next couple days as well! Going to be beautiful this year!


Grafts on my frankentree. They all seem to have taken! At least I am seeing growth from them.


An up to date pic of my orchard starting to green out!


I finally got some dirt today!

Next to put some cardboard down in my planters, almost forgot to take the before pic :man_facepalming:

And about halfway full of dirt :+1:

Tomorrow will hopefully see these finished! If I have time I may even plant some seeds :blush:


My peaches are starting to grow! Well some are smaller than others but they are still coming on.


Taking some bread to my in laws yesterday we decided to walk around with them for a bit and look at some of their fruit stuff. I also dug a few black cherry sprouts up from my mother in laws old homeplace (which is behind their land) and tooks some pics as well.

Here is some pics of their Key apples and some blooms of their cherries

This pic is a pic of the original Key apple at my wife’s grandparents old homeplace! You can tell it is a very old tree and still loaded with blooms after many years of not being touched!


Some of my grafts as I was getting them on my truck to take in the garage to get them out of the cold weather that is heading this way.


I actually made a contact with a guy on a Facebook group that I joined because of this forum. He lived really close to me and actually had a few things he didn’t have room for right now. I received 3 apple trees, a seedling hazelnut and 3 seedling chestnuts. The apples were an Empire and 2 Hardy Cumberland apples. He met me in a grocery store aprking lot where we went to pick a few essentials up. After I got home I planted them in various spots along with the stuff I got from my in laws. After last nights cold weather I went to check on it all and only the nut trees had some leave burn from the freeze. Excited to see how these seedlings do and glad to have made the new fruit growing friend! We even got to talk fruit for several minutes!


Here are some close ups of some of the grafts on my frankentree. If I forgot to mention this, the original part of the tree is a Fuji apple

The overall of the frankentree