My Orchard Projects

Great job @Poncho65. I see some tags that look familiar


Try spelling all those at a spelling bee!

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Those are my temp tags until I know for sure if they take. If they donthen they will get more permanent ones :+1: @Rosdonald

Been working some more on my front orchard! Mowed it a little closer this morning and have been removing smaller trees as well.


Peaches starting to form. I sprayed yesterday evening.

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Lots of different things blooming and leafing out


Bumblebee and butterfly


Watered my grafts today and they are looking good (to me). Tomorrow if I think, I am going to get some pics of some of my grafts. Seems like lots of takes so far :+1:

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Some of my grafts! Have lots andnlots of them.starting to come out!

These are my first grafts. They are all.pear tree grafts


Here are some apple and pear grafts on to rootstock. I forget which is which :man_facepalming: I can tell what is what on my phone because of the order they were taken but after sizing them down for easier upload they are out of order…


Some cherry blooms


Apples blooming and some that are just starting to bloom


A caterpillar on a graft and a hornet on a wild blueberry bush at the edge of my yard


An overall view of that blueberry. I have lots of these around the edge of my yard and they are very tasty!

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Also, does anyone know what this plant is? I have several of these and think it has been brought from the neigbors yard by birds :thinking:

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Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia. Beautiful flowers, native, likes acid soils.


Thank you for that @jcguarneri my wife will be hapoy to know that :+1: I will probably moved a few smaller ones into the yard and see how they do.

I also had just put a pic of this flower/plant in the 2020 Buds, Flowers and Fruit thread, could you perhaps id it as well…

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I’m not sure. Maybe some sort of Lamium?
I’m impressed with all your grafting! Looks like you’re off to a running start. You said this is your first year? That gives me some hope that I’ll manage OK!

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Yes, this is my first year! I was nervous at first but I am pretty comfortabke with blades in general so that part wasn’t what made me nervous, it was the lining up of the cambium layer that I was for sure I would get wrong…

I appreciate you looking at the plant and the Lamium may be a lead :+1:

I went with all cleft grafts for the most part. I did a few bark grafts on a couple bigger callery pears and I am not sure if those will make it or not. It is a little early yet, so hopefully they take as well. You should do fine, so don’t be nervous :+1:

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That looks like ajuga (Bugleweed) to me. great for pollinators!


Bumblebees have already been all over it :+1: I did get an id in the other thread for it but thanks for chiming in @RichardRoundTree