My permaculture forest farm orchard

I do. Chicory grows wild around here. It’s pretty and nutritious. One of the main things I get from nutrition oriented doctors is: “Eat as wide a variety and as much raw leafy greens as you can tolerate and afford. They are the healthiest thing you can eat.”
I never eat just rice, pasta, beans, or meat. I always chop up some kind of leafy green to put into them. We can harvest green leafies year round. I forage and bring stuff back into my garden to cultivate and eat. They displace unhelpful weeds, and , they grow like weeds!
John S


By chicory, you mean the common blue flower that grows along the roadside? You are saying the leaves are edible? Can you eat them raw or must you cook them? And what about the blossoms?

I tried cooking nettles once. They were good. Tasted about like spinach. I thought I was onto something, as they grow freely around here. Then I got the worst bellyache and diarrhea I can remember. Never again. I will start with only a taste of new foods to begin with. (I do have some mild food allergies )


Yes, chicory is a well-known vegetable in Italy, just like it’s close cousin, dandelion. BOth are far more nutritious than the vegetables we buy in the store. I imported them into my garden to attract pollinators and diversify the soil food web. I eat them raw.

I am going to go out and harvest nettles again here soon. I do it every year. WAY more nutritious than store vegetables. Very deep roots. Funny, I’ve never had stomach upset with them. I don’t recall anyone else ever having that either.
John S

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Yes, the chicory you may already have, and it is edible …the leaves (IDK about stems & blooms). Roots dried are sometimes used as coffee substitute…not very tasty though.
The leaves are better tasting than dandelion if you eat as a salad.
Both make great pot herbs. (Preferrable to kale, spinach, collards, turnip greens, in my opinion)


I’ve avoided nettles…but I understand in moderation they’re fine if you cook them tender.

funny you mention chicory… i just got a packet of seeds last month.

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Among other things, chicory is a forage plant for honeybees at a time of year things might be scarce for them. It keeps blooming during drought…especilly if cut and gets to come back. Taproot like dandelion or Queen Ann’s Lace.

Deer love the tender leaves. (I do also).

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A second family member ate the same batch of nettles with no ill effects, so I guess I must be allergic to them.


Wildlife biologists often mention that yellow, blue, and white flowers are more attractive to pollinators. Other than chicory, blue flowers seem hard to come by. Another reason to like this plant.
JohN S


a friend of my father’s said he would add a pinch of chicory root to the percolator cup with the ground coffee and he swears it makes the best cup of joe.


Lots of places in New Orleans will serve you coffee with added chicory. Very tasty

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Yep. I frostseed chicory into my clover foodplots every year. Deer really love chicory in the late summer/early fall.


Yep. But, I’ll keep my coffee and chicory separate…
Some people like red delicious and some like sour apples. Some like both, but not in the same kettle or baking dish. :slight_smile:

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