My small fruit tree orchard

Feijoa pastery… :yum: :yum: :yum:


Our Kiko :heart_eyes:


Morning harvest… :yum:

Red lime


Red lime plant


Monty’s Surprise apple, yellow finger lime and green finger lime…

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Peach collection: (7) Carla, Tietar, Cinca, Sweet Cap, Plain Gold, Ice Peach, Maracotão Preto

Scions: (15) Bilyy Lebid (White Swan), Blanco Antiguo, Galaxy, Agros, Astoria, Filomena, Tropic Snow, Sanguine, García, Extreme Prime, Extreme 659, Extreme 279, Oriola…

Carla, Murcia - Mayo 2020 - YouTube

Paraguayo Plane® Gold amarilla (

PEACH CINCA® - Viveros Provedo

Συμπύρηνα ποικιλία Cinca® - GRINN - YouTube


Nectarine collection: (6) Zee Gold, Big Top, Atanais, Nectawhite, Snow Queen, Flavortop

Scions: (9) Early Bomba, Luciana, Extreme Delight, Extreme Moon, Zodiac, Yuso, Palombaggia, Extreme Sunny, Honey Prima

Nectarinas carne amarilla - 2020 - YouTube

Atanais, Murcia - Junio 2021 - YouTube

Luciana, Lérida 2019 - YouTube

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Plum collection: (9) Stanley, Rainha Claudia Caranguejeira, Black Amber, Laetitia, Santa Rosa, Black Gold, Fortune, Laroda, Droplet Red

Scions: (10) Trompellot, Banana, Crimson Glo, Burgundy, Mariposa, Yellow Shark Teeth, Au-Rubrum, Late Blue, Early Queen, Blondy 79…

Shark teeth plum - YouTube

Burgundy Plum | - YouTube

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Nice Luis, it’s a pleasure to see your collection growing like that.
One variety I really like in your list is Astoria. I got it last year but the scions were so advanced it already had leaves so it was a waste. I hope I will get it again this year. My earliest variety is Sagittaria (about the same time as Rich May but I liked Sagittaria better so I kept only that) and I am curious if it’s gonna be even earlier. According to papers it should.
Now this is not related to peaches but I talked to one grower about cold hardy subtropicals and he recommended Kwai Muk. He said it should survive even -10C. I wish he is right but am skeptical to that. It could be a good addition to your orchard (it gets huge so be aware of that).

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Kwai Muk is very interesting. Maby i will have it too…
You know how to get it?

Yeah somewhat. I will write you a PM

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ok my friend!

Apple tree collection update: (109)

Arkansas Black, Black Oxford, Jersey Black, King David, Black Limbertwig, Stayman Winesap, Black Jonathan, Api Noir, 2 Yellow Transparent, Ghost, White Knight, Worcester Pearmain, Golden Pearmain, Cherry Cox, 2 Pink Lady Cripps, Maribelle, Pinova, Red Pippin, Kids Orange Red, Red Falstaff, Red Windsor, Margil, Royal Gala, Starking, King Roat, Red Chief, Admiral, Topaz, Orange Crisp, Grossa di Trento, Kandil Sinap, Reinette Grise du Canada, Hudson Golden Gem, Brownless Russet, Ashmead’s Kernel, Patte de Loup, Court Pendu Plat, Fenouillet Gris, Calville Rouge d’Eté, Ananas Reinette, Red Ananas Reinette, Zabergau Reinette, Transparente de Croncels, Blenheim Orange, Alkmène, Bramley’s Seedling, Spartan, Winecrisp, Junami, Crimson Crisp, Opal, Modi, Renè, Zari, Kanzi, Ladina, Golden Delicious, Merkur, Sirius, Barby, Northern Spy, Spigold, Gravenstein, Karmijn de Sonnaville, Étoilée de Sonnaville, Discovery, Howgate Wonder, Egremont Russet, Red Astrakhan, Holstein, Shalimar, Vista Bella, Summerred, Scarlett Crush, Laxton’s Superb, Santana, Supermanga, Colapuy, Yellow Bellflower, Charles Ross, Scrumptious, Monty’s Surprise, Kaiser Wilhelm, Grand Alexander, Myra Red Fuji, Cox Pomona, Winter Himbeerapfel, Paradis Sparkling, Connell Red, Bonita, Crimson Snow, Envy, Lady Williams, Inored, Sundowner, Sansa, Smeralda, Christmas Pearmain, D’arcy Spice, Ellisons Orange, Irish Peach, Nutmeg Pippin, Pigeon de Jerusalem, Ribston Pippin, Saturn, Pear Apple, Claygate Pearmain…

Apple Scions: (62)

Cornish Gilliflower, Esopus Spitzenberg, Chestnut, London Pippin, Newtown Pippin, Nutmeg Pippin, Pitmaston Pineapple, Suntan, Karneval, Sweet 16, Winterbanana, Freedom, Liberty, Enterprise, Goldrush, Carjevic, Stajerski Mosancelj, Mantet, Delgollune, Zonga, Collina, Poppy’s Wonder, Evelina, Mairac, 39th Parallel, American Summer Pearmain, Apple Pear Cross, Baldwin, Black Amish, Black Twig, Blue Pearmain, Chenango Strawberry, Catrer’s Blue, Cinnamon Spice, Macoun, Prairie Spy, Royal Limbertwig, Sundance, Mollie’s Delicious, Hawaii, Golden Nugget, July Red, McIntosh, Pixie Crunch, Wolf River, Sundance, Early Mac, Nova Mac, Akane, Joy’s, Anna, Shell, Tropic Sweet, Golden Dorset, Burgundy, Fameuse, Frostbite, November Peach, Opalescent, Pristine, Wagener, Ginger Gold…


We are on storm mode untill friday…

Efraim-SatAirMasses 20221209 1525 1212 0055 - YouTube


Stay safe, buddy!


Thank you very much my friend. We will have many flood but i live away from rivers on 320m so… i think i’m safe! :grin:


Pawpaw collection: (12) Maria’s Joy, Cantaloupe, Talahatchie, KSU Chapelle, 2 Sunflower, Potomac, KSU Atwood, Mango, Jerry’s Big Girl, Al Horns, Halvin.

Scions: (2) Kentucky Champion and Lehman’s Chiffon.


Pear collection: (19) 2 Rocha (Portuguese var.), Xinjiang, Deveci, Red Clapp’s Favorite, Flamingo, Harrow Sweet, Concorde, Abate Fetel, Garden Red, Nurun Burun, Nimrod, Canal Red, Regal Red Comice, Karmozijn de Sonnaville (red fleshed), Lubenicarka (red fleshed), Sanguinole (red fleshed), Cocomerina (red fleshed), Shipova (hybrid)

Pear scions: (4) Kieffer, Moonglow, Duchess D’angouleme…


I’ve ordered it for this spring. Really excited to give it a try. I like the banana and pineapple flavors in an apple.

