Out if all the redflesh cultivars, which 3 are your favorite? Do you tend to like the lighter red/ pink over darker red pears? The red flesh intrique me.
Hi. Most of my redfleshed varieties didn’t fruit yet, but i got two new varieties fruiting, Pink Pearl and Red Devil. The last one surprized me because its beautifull, good size and good flavor. Pink Pearl was a bit acid but great to a salad or a cake. I will get Bakran on winter too but i expect it more acid. But i continue to like a lot of my Redlove Odysso and Baya Marisa. They are great.
I still didn’t got any redfleshed pear, but i love my apples!
Red Devil
Thanks for reply! I’ve been eyeing Red Devil for flavor & Winekist for dark color/ novelty. But if I can find a dark red variety apple that has good flavor & disease resistance- Im open to it. Too many choices!
Is there any benefit to growing this desert lime? Does it grow in colder/hotter temperature areas?
How does the fruit taste, similar to key lime?
Hi. Well it depends of your objective on growing fruit. My objective is to grow sufficient and interesting fruit to our daily juices. So desert lime for me is incredible! On each 1l juice we just can use 1, and they are small… because they are so intense and have so much flavor! They give a strong lemon-tangerine delicious flavor to the juice. There is another motive, im interested on heritage varieties, and desert lime was a very important species to aborígene in Australia.
I also assume they are the most drought resistant of any other citrus and likely very cold hardy. If I had room I’d love to put one somewhere to just see it grow
Yes they are more cold hardy and hot temp resistant.
Is that chayote?
Hi. Yes it is. We love it!
Amazing. I tried it once raw but I have heard that it can be really great cooked!