Myrobalan 29C

For anyone curious about what Myrobalan 29C fruits are like, here you go. I had a graft that died so just let the rootstock grow out for a few years to see what it would produce. And the fruits aren’t bad, actually. They’re grossly bitter unless allowed to fully ripen, at which point they have a very “fruit punch” flavor. Pretty much exactly like what you’d get from a generic jukebox flavor. This isn’t really a recommendation since I think there are a lot of way better plums out there (Lavina, Purple Heart, Hildreth, etc.), but not bad. It’s a great rootstock too!


When you say “bitter” do you actually mean bitter or do you mean “sour”? Bitter would surprise me for a plum, sour would not.

Examples: Lemon=sour, grapefruit=sweet/sour+mild bitter, dandelion greens=bitter


Bitter. And yeah, it was unexpected and weird.

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That’s cool to note. Going from bitter to fruit punch is a nice transition. Thanks for sharing this info. I’m always eager to learn what types of fruit would be produced on various root-stocks if left ungrafted!

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@SMC_zone6 Do you have a picture of the actual tree to share? I’m curious to how it compares with a seedling myrobalan. Thanks

I’ll try to remember to take photos next time I’m at my orchard. I’ve turned it into a multigraft, though, so not sure a picture will be much help.

Thanks, even if there’s a couple original branches to look at. I also created a new thread to see if anyone could identify my seedlings:

Help identifying myrobalan cherry plum-like seedling

Does this tree have huge thorns on it? I think I have a few myro rootstock in the ground but am having a hard time making a distinction between them and p Americana (they’re only little trees at the moment)

Yep. Thing’s like a porcupine.