Mystery Asian persimmon?

I made a trade last year for a fuyu persimmon, which I planted last fall (2020). The tree is still rather small, about 6ft, but it set 3 fruits this season. One dropped while still green several weeks ago, while the other two are ripening up. However, it doesn’t appear to be fuyu based on the shape of the fruit. My first thought is Saijo, but that is solely based on photos I’ve seen (I’ve got a few other Asian persimmons, but I’m new to this crop) .

Does this look like Saijo to you? Are there other cultivars that look similar?

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Based on the long fruit and long leaves, I would say it is a saijo. I had saijo for a few years until it died this summer- wasn’t cold hardy enough for my zone and I think it was over fertilized with grass clippings.

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i also believe that is saijo its astringent and not a fuyu.

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