Nadia Sweet cherry x plum hybrid

Here is my Nadia, It was planted almost 2 weeks ago as a bare root when it arrived. I hand pollinated the blossoms with Stella cherry pollen today. The other pluot/plum blossoms, that I could have used, have died off or are producing fruit. This probably will not work, on the other hand my Candy Heart has set fruit (see that thread & photos).


Hopefully, Raintree ships my friend’s and mine with flower buds.

Pictures of my Nadia as of today. Looking much better!!


I’m afraid that my potted Nadia will not make it.Should I ask for a replacement?


If you’ve had it for less than a year, yes. You have nothing to lose by asking.

Have you popped it out of the pot to check the roots?

I haven’t taken it out of the pot.

If you can’t tell why it’s declining so rapidly by examining the above ground portion, unpot it and see if something is affecting the roots.

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I wish I could take more pics, but it’s too windy and dusty, plus, I have to go to work.

I need a greenhouse so i can flower stuff earlier. Next year for sure…

Lol. . No greenhouse here. . Just a warm garage I guess. …

I have left almost all my stuff in the garage so i think that has helped keep thing slow. My issue with a greenhouse will be having enough things blooming at the same time to set fruit. I may build onto my garage (use that north garage wall as the back) a lean to type greenhouse. Wouldn’t cost hardly anything…a project for the fall.

Does rain trees warranty cover potted trees?

I don’t know if the do. … but i would never give that information. Had an issue last season with GrowOrganic. All ready to give me a credit on 2 of my 8 trees i bought from them. Both had leaves upon arrival that quickly dried up. The trees did nothing more than that. The other 6 as you can tell from my recent posts were/are doing great.

I mentioned to the girl on the phone that the other 6 in pots were doing just fine . That’s when i was met with “wait, these are in pots? Hmmmm. You did say the leaves dried up right? So it had leaves. … if that’s the case we don’t replace those since they broke dormancy.” So based off of that statement ifif they send you trees that have broken dormancy that’s their warranty. It was over before you ever took receipt of them.

So in the end i did get the 2 replaced, but only after a battle. Word to the wise. . Don’t give more information than needed.

Hi, fruitnut. can you tell me what pluot pollinated Emerald Beaut Plum. I have Flavor Grenade, King, Supreme,Dapple Dandy and Geo Pride. Will one of them bloom later enough to pollinated Emerald Beaut Plum?

In NYC they should bloom within a fairly narrow time frame. So I think you’ll be covered. If not you can graft in something else that folks nearby recommend.

Like pots are any worse then in the ground if you protect them properly in the winter months and water them properly in summer…all it does is dwarf the tree. Being able to protect them from extremes actually should help in the long run, or so you would think. I’ve had several apricots just wither up and die in the ground for no reason that i can see. I’ll be watching to see if my container cots do the same (although part of me thinks it was rootstock related)…

Yeah, completely agree 100% Rob. I just thought it was funny how it went from "let’s get your credit started " to “oh wait, you said they were in pots?”.

I almost feel like sending a picture along with any claim showing the dead tree along side my 30 or so potted trees in full bloom. Trust me, it’s not the pot!! Lol

Glad to hear that about the Flemish. I have been waiting for 8 years for mine to bear. Hopefully this will be the year!

It may not be for you, but in general it is a lot harder to keep them alive in pots than in ground. At least it takes a lot more time and attention, which you may be adept at giving. I’ve had a far higher mortality rate in pots than in-ground. Once I plant something in ground, they rarely die, with the main issues being peach trees from borers and apricots from who-knows-what (winter damage?).

I’ve had a lot more plants die in pots, especially rootstocks, which often have very small root systems to start with and thus less margin for error. It doesn’t help that I’m not super-attentive to their needs. Weekly watering probably isn’t enough during the summer…

All my trees would be dead if i did weekly watering. I water at least once a day in summer and on those 85F-90F days i will water twice. Always once in the morning. I agree though…they take way more work unless you set up an irrigation (hoses/timers) to do it for you. I grew 10 b9 in containers and never had any issues… You also have to fertilize often…as in at least weekly in my opinion. With so much watering, the nutrients are getting washed out. A liquid fert on the leaves works well too. Pot size also helps which i’ve moved some trees to 25 gallons…15 is the min for me.

Apricots are weird. I have no idea what does it buy i’ve lost 3. My Puget Gold still keeps going but it is on K86 which may be helping (vs citation or lovell). We’ll see it’ll probably be dead now.

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