This is how I’m protecting my Nadias from the birds.
Looking forward to a report! Thanks for saving us all a lot of time! If you would have thinned more, I would think the fruit would have been bigger.
Thanks Drew!
I have 31 fruitlets in the tree spread mostly in the lower branches and some in the upper branches. There is only one cluster as shown in the photo. They were not thinned this time, I wanted to see them form a cluster, and see how they would do… Burpee has an example in their catalog:
I will probably do some thinning next season just like I did with Candy Heart and Sweet Treat this year. Sugar Twist was not thinned either, 9 formed on the lower branch and nowhere else.
Holly crap, Burpee wants $49.95 for a Nadia. I wonder how big it’s? It better have fruit that taste like a big sweet cherry for that price.
Two days without a Nadia post. Tell me it isn’t so…!!
On another note I ate the first Nadia today. It was 23 brix and had some acid to it. I do think I was in a hurry on this one. I’ll post a picture soon.
Well Steve, did you like it? Taste wise? No fruit set yet for me this year.
It was good but by no means anywhere near my Bing cherries, which are all time great. That may not be a fair comparison since my cherries set a poor crop and run 30+ brix.
I really need to let the other fruits mature to peak ripeness to form a solid opinion.
The fruit is about 20 g, twice the size of a big cherry.
The fruit is very reddish inside. I’m sure it’s very healthy as they claim.
One this is for sure- those are as beautiful as any fruit I’ve ever seen. The fact that you’ve made them flawless (no bug bites, fungus, etc) makes them even more post-card perfect. Once again, you make it look easy!
Does this mean we could all jump back on the hype train? If only, for a little while.
What pollinator did you use?
That last picture does look postcard perfect. Just photo shop out those two tiny white dots in the center of the fruit. Next time I’ll get a good picture of fruit shape, see if it really looks like a big cherry.
I for one was never on board and don’t have my wallet out to buy a ticket yet. I think it has a less than 1% chance of being as good as Flavor Supreme pluot or a good sweet cherry. But then I’m as picky as they come.
You’d have to ask the bumblebees. Set was OK in the greenhouse. I think I thinned out a couple of clusters. Outdoors it set one fruit which is literally cherry sized…
They look beautiful. I think i’ll like them just for the appearance. I noticed the leaves on my Nadia are almost lime green. I hit it with an all purpose fert so hopefully that clears it up…only tree that is doing that.
Are your Flavor Supreme ripe? Mine set horribly this year…maybe a couple fruits. I think i had very poor pollination because of weather. Normally they set fine.
They are just starting to ripen. Yesterday’s tested 24.4 brix. Many apricots this yr at 24-26 brix. But as usual when the Honey nectarines come in it’s hard to compete. I had a Honey Lite yesterday half green and didn’t measure the brix but it was heavenly.
I’m also rather excited just to have them. The plant is attractive, the leaves are pretty and the fruit looks great. I just got my first Nadia in the ground this year (may add more later depending on the ongoing reviews), along with a Flavor Grenade and Dapple Dandy. I’m in zone 5A so I’m really just curious if they’ll survive and set fruit to be honest.
Could be a bird pecking. Squirrel would take the whole thing.
Yes, looks like it was a bird.
Why do you say two more weeks? They’ll be purple in two more weeks. But some of my pluots are full color for 2-4 months before they’re ripe. Remember what happened last yr?
Does anyone have a ripening date or better yet a date in comparison to other well known stone fruits???
Like every other plum/pluot they’ll be ripe when they begin to soften but I have no idea how far off that is for mine.