Nashua Orchard Journal

Thank you @thepodpiper. I have read 3 feet is the recommended minimum distance between rows, but just thought 4 to 5 feet might be safer when I am removing any weeds. Also read that spacing between rootstocks needs to only be one foot. I suppose your trees being seven feet apart with rows seven feet apart would be better indeed. Just finished grafting the last yesterday, so still have a few weeks for preparing my space. I will definitely consider the further spacing as I have plenty of room on my property.

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I followed your link and read your orcharding projects. Have you finished grafting? I grafted 20 rootstocks with apple scions last year and 19 were successful–initially. About a month later, however, I had some disease or water problems (?), leaves turned brown and dropped, and twelve ultimately died, leaving only seven of the original twenty. The four rootstocks I planted in the pasture the year before did just fine–that was until the grasshoppers got to them and defoliated them (two survived). I have decided this year to plant everything in the pasture, where watering is less critical and disease less likely perhaps. I can also spray for grasshoppers, use netting to prevent hail and bird damage, and by switching everything from G-210 rootstocks to B-118 and Antonovka, I am hoping for better results in my Zone 4b location.

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Unless I try chip budding or T budding them I am done grafting for this year. I have tried to back up some of the varieties on an few trees but I only have so much room. I have 60 something trees so far and hope that most make it but of course that is never a given.

Good luck with all your growing and different projects :+1:

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Thanks, Ben! Looks like there’s snow on the ground again this morning!


Johnny- I believe the row orientation is for shading and wind purpose.

Sun rises in East and sets in West, trees will cast a longer shadow in morning and evening. The sun is South at noon and trees will cast a shorter shadow (trees won’t be in another’s shadow midday this way).

Prevailing wind is also from the general Westerly direction, orientation of E-W rows promotes better air circulation.


@JohnnyRoger, there’s some good discussion of your questions here:

Also, see #9 here:

What kinds of cider apples are you growing? I’m starting with Harrison, but I may add more in the future.


@JohnnyRoger @Katie_didnt_Z4b @moose71 I’ll probably be doing a row or two of espalier or low-pruned “regular” trees running south-north. Then some larger trees North of those. My pawpaws will probably go closer to the left side of the yard so they can get afternoon shade for a few years before the neighbors take their trees down. The picture looking in to the back yard is pretty much due North, so that makes my arrangements easier. The downside is it’s a skinny lot, so any trees in the neighbors’ yards can put a lot of shade on my yard. There are also many squirrels, one of the highest densities of anywhere I’ve lived!


Thank you, @Dutch12 for the more perfect explanation. Would you recommend planting the apple B-118 and Antonovka rootstocks only one foot apart to save space? I may not dig them up to move them until spring of 2022.:thinking:

Johnny I don’t have the expertise to advise on that, I’m sure more experience will chime in there

Thanks for the Cummin’s Nursery guide and the other fencing ideas. I have a lot of cider apple variety scions grafted onto B-118 and Antonovka rootstocks. Here’s my list, not all of which are specifically cider, but most are:

Harrison, as you, Ashmead’s Kernel, Black Oxford, Blue Pearmain, Bullock (like Golden Russet), Esopus Spitzenburg, Gnarled Chapman, Golden Russet (of NY), Pomme d’ Or, Pomme Grise, Pumpkin Sweet of Vermont, Red Boskoop, Belle de Boskoop, Wickson, William’s Pride, Winn Russet, Yarlington Mill, Kingston Black, Bulmer’s Norman, Hewe’s Virginia Crab, Franklin, Dolgo Crab, Hudson’s Golden Gem, Roxbury Russet, Knobbed Russet, Banane Amere, Blenheim Orange, Honeygold, Cox’ Orange Pippin, Candy Crisp

The last six, beginning with Knobbed Russet, are still on G-210 rootstocks and rather small. I am thinking I will grow them this year before taking scions from them this coming winter and abandoning them. And I am not sure the Cox’ Orange Pippin is something that will be worth the effort in my Zone 4b location (Montana).

Somehow, I am probably going to have to get all the varieties onto only twenty standard-sized trees–the limit put onto me by my wife–so I have to decide which trees will be single variety and which will have multiple varieties. I am thinking the desert and baking varieties will be the multiple grafting trees, and cider varieties mostly single. Also thinking some may not survive or thrive or fully ripen, and so I will eliminate those by trial and error over the years. Today or tomorrow, I am grafting some scions onto 3 year old trees I planted last year on two G-890, one MM-111, and three EMLA-106, for early trials, before giving the G-890 and MM-111 to daughter and abandoning the:EMLA-106 trees to be replaced by twenty B-118 and eleven Antonovka.:thinking::confused::rofl:

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Yes, the Cummin’s Nursery guide shared by @jcguarneri says just one foot apart. Thanks.

Snow in Montana this morning as well, but good signs too of a wonderful season.



Fig pops showing signs of life at about 2 weeks.


@JohnnyRoger, i think you misread my post. My trees are 3 feet apart and rows are 7 feet apart. In my experience 3 feet is as close as i would go with tall spindles. Any closer and IMO you would need to train oblique cordon. This year i am putting in 30 trees on bud9 18 inches apart and training them in oblique cordon fashion.

My persimmon rootstocks came in yesterday! They’re out of their 24 hour quarantine and in to a bucket to start waking up for grafting. Almost all of them are of a suitable grafting size, with a few coming in around 3/8". I’ll probably plant the skinniest five out to size up for another year.


I noticed one of my pear grafts had a shriveled scion. None of the others were, including the ones that didn’t get Parafilm. I took it apart and both cut surfaces were dried out, no dice. Fortunately, I have some extra in reserve, so I re-grafted it and added a chip bud for good measure. The BET rootstocks are much tougher to cut than any of the other wood I’ve worked with so far, so hopefully I don’t have to do it again this year!


The arborists are back today to finish taking the trees down. Halfway there!


Can’t wait to see what it looks like afterward :+1: Bet you are excited to see it yourself :blush:

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We cut down 20+ trees in the backyard about 20 years ago.
All I could remember is it was so darn expensive :weary:


So a Crain above. Holding that tree top as the “guy” in the cherry picker cuts the top .!

Early 80s. , I was a rock / tree climber.
I would climb to the top of a tree like that.
Wrap a good chain around it, twice, good clevice .

Repel Down dropping limbs. Then , chunking the trunk.
On my way down,
Have it on the ground before noon.
$ 500 in hand at noon , early 80s
Looked for the noon saloon about that time .
Felt lucky to be alive. !
Still do !
So …
Worth every dollar .
That is not a " good … " job.
Just sayin…