Hi all! Just looking for help with ID with this nectarine and peach issue. Trees were planted bare root this spring. We’ve had good rain this season, usually one good rain/week. The weather just got into the 90s and humid this last week or so. Soil seems to drain well, 3ft mulch around base. Trees have shown no signs of stress at all and have grown vigorously. Applied one round of 13-13-13 late spring.
I did just apply some holistic spray - neem oil and liquid fish/kelp in response to some Japanese beetles that really started to reak havoc. It was applied around 7pm, but it was still in the upper 80s. I applied it to pear trees as well and they aren’t showing issue. The nectarine is showing the spots almost all over the tree, the peach less so. Nectarine pic 1 & 2, peach pic 3. Thanks for the help!