Nectarines 2024

This “Supersweet” white nectarine inspired me to create this thread. This is the first one that was able to soften on the tree without getting brown rot despite captan sprays every 2 weeks since petal drop. 6 weeks of drought definitely did them a favor! The tree is 10 years old.

Garden delight dwarf yellow nectarine is also starting to ripen:


What variety of tree and what zone are you in

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The tree was purchased from lowes and was named supersweet nectarine. They also had a supersweet peach and maybe a cherry as well. I have never seen that variety for sale anywhere else so I wonder if they took a well known variety and renamed it. I am in zone 7b western piedmont NC.


Captan is not effective against Brown Rot. Use Indar, Infuse or Bonide Fruit Tree and Plant Guard.


Its hard to pull the trigger on Indar at $300 but that is the direction im leaning. Infuse cant be sprayed on prune plums and I am growing european plums, plus nowhere carries it around here.

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I just checked the fruit tree and plant guard, and it would cost over $50 per spray. Makes the Indar a little easier to swallow. Which one do you prefer?

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A jug of Indar lasts many years… I sold off most of my jug to other folks and ten years later I still have some left. If you are up for the work you can save money by divvying it up and selling portions to other people here. It is also much better than propiconazole based on my experience, it basically ended brown rot issues in my orchard after many years of rot horrors.


Burchell Nursery BN9 aka Snowflare 23 (sold by Andy’s Orchard as Constellation is a high acid, high sugar, white clingstone nectarine with a complex flavor and my personal favorite stone fruit of the year.

This year, when eaten side by side, I found snow flare 23 to have a better overall flavor than snow queen. I have found another Burchell nursery variety known as BN6 Snowflare 28 (sold by Andy’s Orchard as Pegasus in about a month), to also be an excellent white nectarine later on in July with a similar high acid high sugar complex flavor

BN9 Snowflare 23 Constellation Plant patent expired in 2023

BN6 Snowflare 28 Pegasus plant patent expired in 2023 & it shares its acid white nectarine parent with BN9

Scroll down to find Snowflare 23

Andys Orchard description of Constellation and Pegasus

Both pictures below have BN9 and snow queen white nectarine. The Snow queen is the smaller one in both pictures. There are no leathery skin cracking issues for BN9 like there are for snow queen


I think supersweet is snow queen or arctic sweet. Ithas that leathery cracking skin, and that is usually where the rot starts.

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Captain (with PH adjusted to 5) can help reduce Brown Rot but it is dependent on when it is sprayed. Spray 20 and 10 days before harvest might work. Also try spray at 14 and 7 days pre harvest if 10 day intervals is not satisfactory.

Refinement of Peach Cover Spray Programs for Management of Brown Rot at Harvest - PubMed.

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A lot of people here found it very ineffective.


Captan is not effective for brown rot even when combined with myclobutanil. (and with the ph of water is acidic.)


According to the research paper they found it effective. Adding some sulfur might make it more effective.




I don’t know where do they did the research or who funded it.

It is not effective in the east coast. I am not the only one here who experienced it.

@thecityman Kevin encountered big disappointment, too.


I have found Captan to be adequate for peaches and most plums. It seems the higher brix >18 fruits need something more potent. I will probably go with indar as I convert the orchard to sweeter varieties. I still have quite a bit of Captan 80 wdg that I need to figure out what to do with.


Do you have any leads on where these varieties might become available?

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How long have your peaches and plums fruited for you?

Some unlucky people like me got serious brown rot on peaches by year 4 of fruiting.

My friend in a town over, got brown rot free peaches for seven years before she moved. She did not know what variety it was.

For people in the humid east, if they don’t spray, brown rot will get increasingly worse. Its arrival time varies.

I do not like early harvest varieties of nectarine as they do not offer big caliber, sweetness and flavor.
I start the nectarine harvest campaign with this variety

  • Extreme Tasty

It is a variety that meets all my expectations for the beginning of the nectarine campaign.

Some photographs

Best regards


The fruit in the first picture of original post looks like mush :frowning:

Funny how much preferences for texture vary.

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