Nectarines with sap weeping

Hi friends. I bought a tree that was labeled Hale Haven Peach. However, now that it is fruiting, it seems to be a nectarine!!! But that is not my problem. The fruit seems to be being pecked every so slightly, and weeping a sap. Any thoughts!!! I did cut open some of the weeping fruit, and found no sign of worms…

Back before I gave up on peaches… oriental fruit moth… (egg laying) did that to my peaches. If they hung on until ripe… wormy peaches. The OFM larvae normally found down near the pit.

It is sure disappointing… and why i have no peach trees now. Well that + brown rot.

I agree, peaches are the most demanding fruit second to apricots in our area. Simply no benefit to trying them, just too many hurdles, so next spring I am topworking my only peach and nectarine trees with plums.
Kent, wa

Hello Peggy,

Here is a past thread that may give some ideas.Peaches Oozing Clear Sap

I’m curious @DennisD ,besides possible Peach Leaf Curl,what are the other issues hindering the growing of Peaches and Nectarines?

Hi Brady
I think for me it’s just lack of experience, and maybe a lack of patience after several years of trying, it’s hard to find progress. Several grafts I have tried on a Frost semi dwarf have failed leaving me with a Tree structure now unacceptable due to die back of one of the tree scaffolds and the central trunk has a defective crack below where I pruned it off.
So after some four years of effort looks like I need to start over to just get an acceptable structure. The two scaffolds remaining have healthy looking limbs if you ignore the lack of lateral branches. So I may cut off the central trunk and top work it with a Mericrest nectarine scion to hopefully grow a more resilient scaffold. I may also cut back those two healthy scaffolds and regraft them closer to the main trunk to hopefully grow laterals that can withstand the fruit loading if it ever bears fruit.

Whole tree pic

Central trunk close up



Thanks. I think that I will just keep vigilant and see what happens. Keep checking for worms.

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Hi Brady
After studying my semi dwarf Frost peach several days and realizing that third scaffold had a serious 1”deep crack that might never repair itself as the crack seems to grow bigger with weather event, I decided to top work that scaffold in healthywood below the cracked location with 2 ea mericrest nectarine green scions created from cutting back my nine fruiting scaffolds.
Pic of new grafts

Pics of defect I removed

Yeah,that old wood doesn’t look healthy.It’s really nice though,that the scions appear to be growing.
Peach and Nectarines have been the most difficult for me,along with Mulberry.

Btw I have numerous green Adara scions as a result of todays grafting onto my Adara tree, if you need any they could be used within 3 days while still fresh. Let me know!