Need good looking rabbit barrier

I’m currently looking at making a woven willow dome for my baby pawpaw trees, and stapling shadecloth inside, with wire mesh against critters. It’ll all go over the Stark Bros donut irrigator (Which will hopefully also keep out weeds).

I have no idea how well it’ll work, but I’m going to jump in anyway.

I’m learning the basics of willow weaving from these videos:

@jcguarneri forsythia, you say? :exploding_head: That’s brilliant.


You’ll have plenty of willows to work with in the near future :wink:

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Hopefully! The ground is rock solid so I’ve got the pussy willow cuttings in water, waiting for a thaw.

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You can get 1" welded wire (aka hardware cloth) that has a black coating. I have used it for a lot of stuff in my yard, including my chicken coop and cat patio. And I don’t think there is anyone more picky about how stuff looks than me, LOL.


I have used Plantskydd which is bovine and swine blood. It worked for deer and rabbits. Rabbits do not like dogs. If you could walk your dogs around the plants once a day if male. It should help.

I posted this pic a while back on another thread. Had rabbit and vole problems until I build this fence from black PVC-coated hex mesh fencing and 6’ heavy-duty T-posts. The gate (on the far side at right) is a 4’ high x 3’ wide dog fence with the side posts anchored in concrete. The hex mesh fencing was a roll 6’ x 150’, with about 8” doubled-over (to reduce the effective mesh openings from 1“ to 1/2”) and pushed into a (laboriously!) hand-dug channel to keep the voles out.

It was a lot of work, but it works, and it’s not unsightly. But if I’d had the money, I’d have used a small ditch witch for the channel.

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To shade my young pawpaw trees, I used willow and wove a garden obelisk, and lined it with shade cloth. (I’m in a manicured suburb and don’t want my neighbors hating me.) I’m going to wrap the trunks with those white coiled trunk guards (for sun and rodent gnawing). I’m thinking of lining the bottom of the obelisks with wire mesh.

I have more willows on the way from Etsy, and hopefully the next 3 obelisks take way less time - I had to undo and redo a lot.