Those look great, thanks for sharing. I thought about maybe trying Marion berries, but don’t think they’d be hardy enough here. Also considered Boysenberries, but I think we have enough for now!
Blackberries ought to do well where you’re at, they like warm climes, and if you get just a few chill hours, that ought to be enough.
We planted Nova this year, haven’t heard a lot about them on here, but they sound like a good summer red. I think I read they might bear a few fall berries. Would be interested to see if you get any later this year on the primocanes.
Thanks. I think you’ll be happy with the Novas. I’ll keep an eye out in the fall for any berries but last year I didn’t have any of the primocanes produce for me. I just saw your new thread after I posted these pics, definitely will update on that thread as they grow. The last time I had a fresh picked blackberry was during my summer school horticulture class in middle school so I’m pretty excited lol.
I haven’t put any mulch around the blackberries yet, because I wanted to get the ground warmed up, since it’s been so cool here lately (not the last two weeks, though). I figured the warm soil and bright sun would help get the plants to sprout sooner.
All the brambles that were planted are up now, so some of them will need some mulching soon.
Question: will putting 4" of mulch on these plants maybe suppress any suckers that will come up later?
I put mulch over corrugated cardboard around my berries. The cardboard decomposes and the berries sucker through both that and the mulch in a year’s time or less.
no they push right thru. some hardier weeds might too but there are few so just pluck them when they come up or you could do the cardboard then mulch but it might supress this years shoots. id just mulch this year and pluck the few weeds.
You might be able to get Marions to grow if you cover them. My thorny boysen and newberry blackberries made it through the winter and are blooming now. We hit -6F in NKY last winter. You should give Cascade Delight Red Raspberry a try.
It’s amazing how well raspberrys grow. They truly are like weeds. My second year plants are loaded with floricane crops. And lot of new primocanes growing for the fall crop. I need to learn about pruning techniques
theyre a lot simpler to prune than blackberries. just cut florocanes to the ground after fruiting. other than that you don’t even need to tip primocanes unless they get unreasonably long, which most don’t. maybe it would be worth tipping primocanes in your longer season as it might mean higher yields from laterals.
they’re coming along nice. my primocanes are about 3in. now on autumn britten, polka, jaclyn, anne and bp1. put in 2 joan j last summer and they leafed out last summer but nothing from them so far. my pafs are coming up but look burnt even tho. i didn’t give them much fert. don’t know whats going on with them. my floros. that survived the winter are still alive but have yet to leaf out . maybe they won’t make it. was a wicked winter!
Your brambles look great, you should get a good crop this year. You prob will even get some fruit off the PAF plant also. Didn’t you also have an Autumn Bliss rasp?
I mentioned in a other thread that it looks like my Double Gold has croaked. I planted one last year and it didn’t even sprout. This year a new one did, but never really got going. Guess I’m not going to try that one again. The other rasps are doing pretty good, but we need some sunny, warm weather to dry things out.
i put in 3 joan js last summer. they leafed out some but havent come back so far, I’ve tried to grow this cultivar before but they didn’t make it either. same patch that my autumn brittens an jacylns are thriving in. strange. I’ve never had issues with raspberries getting established.
Yeah, maybe certain plants don’t do well where you’d think they should. I also tried a Prelude, Killarney, and Caroline last year, none of those came up, so I retried new plants this year. The new Killarney has done great, but the Prelude just sprouted last week, after being in the ground a month, and although the Caroline sprouted, it hasn’t really taken off either.
I also planted a Joan J this year, and even though it was one of the first to show, it hasn’t done a lot since. My most vigorous growers have been Fall Gold, Killarney, and now Mac Black, while the others are taking their time.
The blackberries are doing great, all the new ones are at least 10" high now, the PAF is at about 14".
These canes are everbearing, so the top third was cut off. All to be removed after fruiting. Irene’s floricanes didn’t flower last year (so are taller, uncut), so appears to be a summer bearing type even though both parents were everbearing. types. Strange! It’s mother is Anne. which is the last canes on the right.