New Apple Seedling Varieties



Well this thread and a few others gave me enough encouragement to try a few seedling apples out. I’m trying 10 of them from a chestnut apple that I had at a local nursery. They were there for pollination yet were better than any apple they offered we thought. For some reason I feel like my odds of getting an apple worth keeping will be higher with a crab than say a honeycrisp. Not sure if I read that somewhere or made it up in my head. Anyways, the plan is to move them into 2 or 3 gallon pots in a month and bury them by the garden, maybe i would be better off puting them in their permanent spots out back with plenty of mulch and protection. I’ve had a bad experience losing plants in pots by missing a watering in the middle of summer, burying might give me a little leeway.


I have two Dolgo rootstocks that were too small to graft when I got them. I planted them and decided to just let them grow and see what becomes of them. Both produce fruit maybe half the size of a “true” Dolgo and aren’t worth eating IMO. I planted them in a spot where I have a bunch of seedling Prairie Fire ornamental crabs planted as well. The Dolgo seedlings are just as impressive bloomers as are the ornamental crabs. I may top work the Dolgo seedlings some day, but I may just let them go too.


I had no idea that fruit was that small. That is a real surprise. Like you said, crab apple sized. TY.


Some Antonovka apples are ‘regular’ sized. But, I suppose, it’s like anything else, the ones you can buy as trees or as scions have
been selected out of a lot that didn’t make the cut so to speak.


I thought of pollinating a crab with a strong raspberry flavored Apple and see what comes.


I was about to cross Livland Raspberry x Niedzwetzkyana … but my Livland Raspberry died and I have got another little guy started…maybe eventually.


Today I pulled seeds out of a Redfield apple, pollinated by Williams Pride (pictured). I think this should produce a red fleshed apple that is of better quality than redfield in terms of texture and sweetness, while having a good chance of disease resistance. Also a Black Limbertwig apple pollinated by Williams Pride. Really enjoyed my first taste of black limbertwig this year. I hope to cross it with Scarlett Surprise aka Bills Red Flesh next year. I like the firm crunchy texture, good flavor, balance of acid to sugar, disease resistance and dark red skin of BLT. Hoping to combine those traits with the red flesh, strawberry/raspberry flavor notes and earlier ripening (mid August!) of Scarlett Surprise. Of course hard to get all those in one package, but if achieved would be hard to beat.


I think it’s fascinating how seeds can have the same pollen parents in the same apple; but express the genes totally differently. Saw one where all the seedlings lacked red pigment whatsoever. But one! It expressed red in everything.Leaves and all.


I hope to get a scion of Rosette, bud sport of Discovery, this winter. Discovery is known in the UK for being early & having a strawberry note. Rosette has pink flesh.

Lord Lambourne ripens early September here. It also has a strawberry note, which tree I planted for friends at the other end of the county. Cross Lord Lambourne & Rosette each with Winekist, Otterson & Redfield…?


This was my best creation yet Clark's Crabapple


Im growing it. Thanks to you and 39th Parallel!

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I think I mentioned on another thread where Clark’s Crabapple features, but will include here: I ordered a stick or two of that scion for next spring’s grafting. this region is hard on some varieties, stunting growth on those that can hack it, so will report in a few years.


This is a thread that I’d like to see continue in perpetuity so I hope nobody takes offence.

This will be the second year for most of my seedlings and they are not in the best location so of course no fruit yet. Its still exciting to see them pushing new growth. All of them are Edholm mixes so thank you to him for getting my project started with more direction than grocery store fruit. I hope everyone shares their progress here over the years.

My first nursery bed. Most of the more vigorous saplings are Appleoosa x Wickson.

I also have a “Summer Open” which I’ve posted elsewhere on the forum. Great color but it keeps trying to commit suicide by mildew.

My other office plant is a Pink Parfait open. I’m hoping that with time I’ll get to see the roots against the glass. I figured it would add depth to the display. I doubt I’ll be able to keep it at a good office size but it works for now.


My wife isnt a gardener but she loves to put knomes all over the yard.

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My daughter picked him up but wasn’t using him which seemed wrong.

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The wife has whole gnome villages in huge pots outside with succulents. But the outside cat decided to weigh in by using them as a bed. A Gnome catastrophe.


You may need a copy of this. Disclaimer: I didn’t write it, I just think it’s hilarious…until it comes true!


My wife has a small pack of gnomes that she moves around periodically just for fun. On the roof, in a tree crotch, etc etc.

Back on topic, I ended up removing all of my first batch of apple seedlings … they had interesting attributes but no keepers. I have two new ones fruiting this year, two fruiting soon, and three that have a few years to go.

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Grafted 10 apples today. I’d guess I have about 60 done now since the Treco order arrived.

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