New Fruit Wood/Trees for Spring 2025. What are you trying?

Just pressed the button for some sacrificial limbs, some organ donners, for 2025.

Since I’m constrained by living on a residential lot, I’ll grow them in cloth pots and harvest their organs, uh, scion for my older trees.

I’m trying Shiro Kaga Apricot, Spring Satin Plumcot, and Black Ruby Plum.

All low chill.


trying my hand at pawpaws, buffaloberries, chestnuts and persimmons. 3 of the 4 are marginally hardy but the chestnuts and persimmons are grown from seed so not much is lost if they don’t pan out.


Planting pure American Chestnuts from Indiana that is from fungus free region.


This week I dug up and sold two two year old Mulberry trees that I grafted. In the process I collected and saved a large number of Morus Alba root ends that I can use to graft next spring. So it will be my first endeavor to use actual live roots for grafting. So when my other mulberry’s begin to swell buds I will start them indoors for a couple weeks of moist dark callousing before potting them in my greenhouse to follow their progress!
Kent, Wa


[v] Gurneys
[ ] Kabluey x2
[ ] Crimson Blush

[v] Isons
[ ] Kiowa
[ ] Krewer x2
[ ] Titan x2
[ ] Jewel
[ ] White imperial Currant
[ ] Fry Seedless
[ ] Southern Sensation
[ ] Reliance Bunch Grape Vine
[ ] Thomcord Bunch Grape Vine
[ ] Jupiter Bunch Grape Vine
[ ] Everest Seedless Bunch Grape

[v] Isons
[ ] Himbotop
[ ] Krewer x2
[ ] Titan
[ ] Vernon

[v] Trees of Antiquity
[ ] Ataago Pear

[ ] Clockwork
[ ] Top shelf
[ ] Blue ribbon

[ ] Topshelf
[ ] Blue ribbon

[ ] Last call

[v] Burpee :strawberry:
[ ] Tristan
[ ] Ruby Ann
[ ] Toscana
[ ] Montana
[ ] Delizzimo
[ ] Delizz

Mehrabyan Nursery
[ ] Sugar May Peach
[ ] Sugar Giant Peach
[ ] Snow Giant Peach
[ ] Niitaka
[ ] Juicy Jewel

[v] Indianaberry address changed

[ ] Crimson Treasure
[ ] Double gold
[ ] Fall gold
[ ] Nantahala
[ ] Polana

[ ] Berried Treasure Red x4

Also have these figs rooting or rooted and another batch coming in from a friend:

[ ] Lattarula
[ ] Peter’s Honey
[ ] Black Madeira
[ ] White Madeira
[ ] I-258
[ ] Violette De Bordeaux
[ ] Cravens Craving
[ ] Smith
[ ] Blanche de deux Saison
[ ] Raspberry Latte x2 - needs hot area
[ ] Atreano
[ ] Cherry Pie x2
[ ] Martinenca Rimada
[ ] Edith Raspberry
[ ] I-258
[ ] Ham Rham
[ ] Black Manzanita
[ ] Green Michurinska
[ ] Exquisito
[ ] CDD Mutante
[ ] Lsu Scott’s Black - needs high heat
[ ] Exquisito
[ ] Sangue Dolce
[ ] White Genoa
[ ] Panache Tiger
[ ] Dessert King
[ ] Texas Peach x2
[ ] Boysenberry Blush
[v] Guava berry
[v] The One

[ ] White Triana
[ ] LSU Scott’s Black
[ ] Del San Juan Gran

Rooting process began Nov 14
[ ] Cosme Manyo
[ ] San Biagio x2
[ ] Maroc 23
[ ] Leo Longhissimo
[ ] CDD Gegantina
[ ] Catalan
[ ] Bordissot Negra Rimada

[ ] Malta Black x3
[ ] Florea x3
[ ] Leon Montenegro x3

[ ] Bisirri #3
[ ] Angelito
[ ] Edith Raspberry
[ ] Takoma Violet
[ ] Negra d’Adge
[ ] Campaniere

Process began Nov 15
[ ] Savanac Noire
[ ] Strawberry Verte - needs heat
[ ] Strawberry Chico

[ ] Princessa
[ ] Reculver
[ ] NV1
[ ] Cessac
[ ] Casticeddah
[ ] Angelito

[ ] Hunt
[ ] Golden Riverside x2
[ ] Petite Negra
[ ] CDD Noire
[ ] Jolly Tiger

[ ] Pellegrino
[ ] White Triana
[ ] Blue Celeste
[ ] Black Celeste
[ ] Black jack
[ ] Zaffiro
[ ] Hollier - Partial to full sun
[ ] Bordissot Negra Rimada

[ ] The One
[ ] Bordissot Negra Rimada - needs high heat

[ ] Neverella - can stand Partial sun

[ ] Beall
[ ] Stella

Will try floricane berries along with thorny as well this year. I think i have enough primocane to allow me the patience for floricane :sweat_smile:

I think for most of the figs, they’ll be in pots this year to see which taste best. Plus i have over an acre to clear as well and i need to put up fencing. For now, it’ll be critter fencing with fishing string to scare the deer off. We had one deer who’s hooves were about the size of my foot and he’s HUGE. probably the biggest deer I’ve ever seen so I’m assuming he’s a forest spirit or something :sweat_smile:. I may let them eat my still going strawberries and raspberries cause they don’t taste very good without the sun right now.

I may order a few more peaches from Grandpa’s Orchard and Restoring Eden but I think this is it for the most part. I plan on buying a bunch of Currants and some thornless gooseberries for the birds and stuff. I’ve never had Goumi berries before so i might grab some plants as well since they look pretty when trained into a tree. Hoping to add a few more mulberries as well next year but not sure which.


Did you try Cornelian yet?

As for Chesnuts, I have in order of expected harvest:

Early: Colossal, but I wish I’d been more exotic and done Precoce Migoule, Marsol, or Silverleaf.
Mid: Bisalta, Okei.
Late: Belle Epine, which might not survive zone 4.

My 1st persimmon is Meader.

Buffaloberry is planted by the road crews on roadsides outside Minneapolis suburbs. Just so you know, once you have 1 buffaloberry started, assuming equal sexes germinate, then you need 7 more (because 0.5^7 = 0.008) to survive to ensure a 99% chance of having both sexes represented. I haven’t found a nursery that grafts to separate their sexes.

I starting Black Currants with: Titania, Minaj Smyriou, Kantata 50, and maybe Belaruskaja.

Also 2 Goumi berry as another nitrogen fixer.

Also trying Aromatnaya Quince (worked in Wisconsin), Illinois Everbearing Mulberry, Baby Shipova, Nefle Tardive Medlar, some lingonberries, some non-sweet seaberries. I have native hazelnuts started. Fungal diseases are problematic in Minnesota’s high humidity.


Ooooo, do i need a hazelnut tree :thinking: hazelnut are so pretty too.


i have more than enough berries now. i got 4 buffalo berries coming so hoping at least 1 is a male. my luck ill get all 4. i wonder if autumn olive is closely enough related to cross pollinate them? the fruit looks identical and both are N fixers. the chestnut seed i grew out are supposedly Dunstan stock. out of the 20 seed i got only 1 didn’t germinate. my persimmon came from VT and are supposedly hardy to my zone. we’ll see. i have red gem and sweet scarlet goumi. froze to the snowline 4 years ago when we hit -40 but came back quickly .


@Melon your planting list makes me feel a bit better about my own plans lol. Good to know I’m not the only one trying to plant so much at once.
I’m planning to order the following this year:
Girardi mulberry
Blanca currant
Captivator gooseberry
Goji berry
Carmine jewel cherry
Ian Nanking
Red cherugpuoy Nanking
Makedonia pomegranate
Jennybelle juneberry
Hardy kiwi (still narrowing varieties)
Ouichita Blackberry
Navajo bberry
Kiowa (if I can find a decent source)
One of the prime ark blackberries

Premier (already have a couple, adding on)
Powderblue (my one bearing age powderblue is by far my most productive blueberry. Will probably order way too many more)
Blue ridge (have 1, not my best producer for size, but by far my most vigorous grower so far, so I feel like that makes up for it)
Pink lemonade (have one already. It’s a poor producer, but is different enough in flavor and color to be worth growing)

A few new fig varieties to try thanks to a generous trade from a member on this forum.

Some apple and plum rootstocks to try my hand at grafting. Still deciding which ones.

Possibly medlar if I can find a good source for local trees or ordering scions. I’m trying to root some quince for rootstock. May try grafting to a volunteer pear I have.

Jujube if I get the opportunity

Plum if I can narrow down a few varieties

My wishlist of things I might get if opportunity comes is much more exhaustive. Basically anything I can grow in zone 7b low spray or no spray. I’m trying to stay reasonable though lol. We’ll just have to see this spring what happens after the dust settles.


Yeah, I’m trying to have more than enough for the birds and myself :sweat_smile: they can’t clean 200+ trees/bushes a season! :rofl:

Plus, having so much makes it to where i absolutely don’t have the physical time to poke and probe everyone every other day even :rofl: but instead, maybe every 5-8 days so everyone can get a rest from me checking leaves and such.

Wasps and spiders have been my best pest control in the past years. If i have a ton of jumping spiders living on a bush/tree/vine, I’ve noticed 0 aphids and mites. I found my first bug in a raspberry in a very long time and now the wasps are finally asleep so that tells me they’ve been helping out more than i could see this year.


Trying most all sweet cherries and most all tart cherries.
Most all of the hybrid pluots/pluerries.
Most all of the japanese plums.
Most all of the Asian Pears
30 new to me apple varieties even Mountain Rose.
Lots of new peach and nectarines as well as mulberries and figs.

I said that i was going to chill on new things but i have done the opposite and am going to trial everything that i am curious about instead.

I dont see prices on things being this low going forward and now for me is the best time to invest in my hobby.

Keeping all of these new trees and plants alive thru 2025 will be my biggest challenge if we have a similar summer… I do not think i will plant anything until Fall 2025… that would be an incredible feat for me to keep everything watered in ground. So i am amassing about 200 buckets and have cordoned off a nursery to triage all of the bare root things that will arrive.

What started as a small hobby orchard is somehow turning into a labor camp for myself. I am more excited now than i was in the beginning.


i hate growing stuff in buckets. i gave it up about 4 years ago. it makes you a slave to your plantings unless you have a automatic watering system for them. i put them in ground or temporarily in my 4’ x12’ nursery bed. pot and all.


I have plenty of room for new stuff, but I have a wife who doesn’t like all my crazy ideas :rofl:.

I dug up about 13 root suckers from a plum tree to graft to, 20 sprouted peach seeds to grow and eventually graft to, and several pear and apple seeds to start growing to eventually graft to. I will probably keep a few of each and either sell/give away the rest.


Sorry for the issues with your wife … mine is so certain that I need my outdoor/alone time that she insisted that I get not one but 2 greenhouses. They’re 26 ft long hoop houses and she affectionately calls them my spaceships.

That lead to a couple dozen grafted trees being given away this last spring to family.

So now i have dozen of apple, callery pear, cherry, apricot, walnut, and other seedlings that grew beautifully. I need to find time to repot them in larger pots. I figure i can try and sell either end of May once grafts are hardened off, or September for people to plant when leaf drop hits.

I hope to make a few hundred bucks on it - maybe at least fund next winter’s nonsense.


I’m trying to convince my wife that I can make a few extra bucks doing it.


Same’sies :sweat_smile:

I want ALL the cherry plums!

I have a cart that I’m waiting to buy after we close on our house coming new years.

Same. With how the prices of fruits/veggies, and low harvests coming forward due to bugs/weather, I feel like prices will only go up with no sight of stopping. This is also why I’ve opted to move onto the boonies as well. If things keep progressing and people get desperate, they’re more than likely to turn on their neighbors before going for the rando’s who live in the woods.

I currently live in a low crime neighborhood and even now, I’ve gotten people who’ve tested my door knob thinking I wasn’t home. I’ve had attempted home invasions when i lived in Tacoma, Washington while i was home, knowingly. Only thing that stopped them was my dog and I’m thinking of getting a wooly malamute as well as maybe 1 more German Shepherd. I see more benefits of having giant dogs than not having them and i don’t mind caring for all of them. Been thinking of getting a wolf hybrid too but that might be too much dog for me :sweat_smile: but! I’m dedicated.

I forgot i didn’t add it yet because there’s no current going to buy list, but I’ll be adding all the pluots and pluerries I can get my grubby little hands onto haha. Also want a few more mulberries as well.

Planning on getting some goumi plants along with a few other berry plants for the birds or whoever else lives on the property with us. Been reading everyone’s thoughts on random berries that I’ve never had and have been planning to get them all as well.


Yeah agreed. Time to move to the boonies. I guess technically I’m already there - but my small town has 6000 people in it.

My parents just moved up near Gaylord MI, but only have a quarter acre. My wife and I bought another property that’s an acre but much of it is native forest, and I’m not sure how much I want to clear. Some of it certainly.

I think what I need is a good 10-20 acre plot of land but financing that … ugh. Of course if everything goes to chaos …


More space = more upkeep as well.

I’m thinking of just getting one of those giant farm sprinklers to place in the middle of my backyard and front yard and calling it good for the summer months instead of setting up an entire sprinkler system. Whatever places they don’t hit, YOLO.

I was looking at astroturf for the dogs and a hoop house over it but man is that pricey for the amount i want

They get grass and a giant sprinkler❤️maybe a hoop house cover over it so they can run when it rains but that’s gonna be it


Start w sweet treat, it has by far been the most reliable producer here for me.

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I gotta catch them all :rofl: but yes, I definitely will :heart:

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