[v] Gurneys
[ ] Kabluey x2
[ ] Crimson Blush
[v] Isons
[ ] Kiowa
[ ] Krewer x2
[ ] Titan x2
[ ] Jewel
[ ] White imperial Currant
[ ] Fry Seedless
[ ] Southern Sensation
[ ] Reliance Bunch Grape Vine
[ ] Thomcord Bunch Grape Vine
[ ] Jupiter Bunch Grape Vine
[ ] Everest Seedless Bunch Grape
[v] Isons
[ ] Himbotop
[ ] Krewer x2
[ ] Titan
[ ] Vernon
[v] Trees of Antiquity
[ ] Ataago Pear
[v] penseberryfarm.com
[ ] Clockwork
[ ] Top shelf
[ ] Blue ribbon
[ ] Topshelf
[ ] Blue ribbon
[v] Noursefarms.com
[ ] Last call
[v] Burpee 
[ ] Tristan
[ ] Ruby Ann
[ ] Toscana
[ ] Montana
[ ] Delizzimo
[ ] Delizz
Mehrabyan Nursery
[ ] Sugar May Peach
[ ] Sugar Giant Peach
[ ] Snow Giant Peach
[ ] Niitaka
[ ] Juicy Jewel
[v] Indianaberry address changed
[ ] Crimson Treasure
[ ] Double gold
[ ] Fall gold
[ ] Nantahala
[ ] Polana
[v] Provenwinnersdirect.com
[ ] Berried Treasure Red x4
Also have these figs rooting or rooted and another batch coming in from a friend:
[ ] Lattarula
[ ] Peter’s Honey
[ ] Black Madeira
[ ] White Madeira
[ ] I-258
[ ] Violette De Bordeaux
[ ] Cravens Craving
[ ] Smith
[ ] Blanche de deux Saison
[ ] Raspberry Latte x2 - needs hot area
[ ] Atreano
[ ] Cherry Pie x2
[ ] Martinenca Rimada
[ ] Edith Raspberry
[ ] I-258
[ ] Ham Rham
[ ] Black Manzanita
[ ] Green Michurinska
[ ] Exquisito
[ ] CDD Mutante
[ ] Lsu Scott’s Black - needs high heat
[ ] Exquisito
[ ] Sangue Dolce
[ ] White Genoa
[ ] Panache Tiger
[ ] Dessert King
[ ] Texas Peach x2
[ ] Boysenberry Blush
[v] Guava berry
[v] The One
[ ] White Triana
[ ] LSU Scott’s Black
[ ] Del San Juan Gran
Rooting process began Nov 14
[ ] Cosme Manyo
[ ] San Biagio x2
[ ] Maroc 23
[ ] Leo Longhissimo
[ ] CDD Gegantina
[ ] Catalan
[ ] Bordissot Negra Rimada
[ ] Malta Black x3
[ ] Florea x3
[ ] Leon Montenegro x3
[ ] Bisirri #3
[ ] Angelito
[ ] Edith Raspberry
[ ] Takoma Violet
[ ] Negra d’Adge
[ ] Campaniere
Process began Nov 15
[ ] Savanac Noire
[ ] Strawberry Verte - needs heat
[ ] Strawberry Chico
[ ] Princessa
[ ] Reculver
[ ] NV1
[ ] Cessac
[ ] Casticeddah
[ ] Angelito
[ ] Hunt
[ ] Golden Riverside x2
[ ] Petite Negra
[ ] CDD Noire
[ ] Jolly Tiger
[ ] Pellegrino
[ ] White Triana
[ ] Blue Celeste
[ ] Black Celeste
[ ] Black jack
[ ] Zaffiro
[ ] Hollier - Partial to full sun
[ ] Bordissot Negra Rimada
[ ] The One
[ ] Bordissot Negra Rimada - needs high heat
[ ] Neverella - can stand Partial sun
[ ] Beall
[ ] Stella
Will try floricane berries along with thorny as well this year. I think i have enough primocane to allow me the patience for floricane 
I think for most of the figs, they’ll be in pots this year to see which taste best. Plus i have over an acre to clear as well and i need to put up fencing. For now, it’ll be critter fencing with fishing string to scare the deer off. We had one deer who’s hooves were about the size of my foot and he’s HUGE. probably the biggest deer I’ve ever seen so I’m assuming he’s a forest spirit or something
. I may let them eat my still going strawberries and raspberries cause they don’t taste very good without the sun right now.
I may order a few more peaches from Grandpa’s Orchard and Restoring Eden but I think this is it for the most part. I plan on buying a bunch of Currants and some thornless gooseberries for the birds and stuff. I’ve never had Goumi berries before so i might grab some plants as well since they look pretty when trained into a tree. Hoping to add a few more mulberries as well next year but not sure which.