New Kaki varieties

Here are a few new Asian persimmon varieties grown from seeds crossed for cold hardiness trials in Omaha Z5.

Miss Kim X Cheong Pyong

Saijo X Cheong Pyong

Tam Kam X Chocolate and amazing survived -18F unprotected. Very hopeful for this one.




Following this experiment closely. Are you doing your own embryo rescue? Im interested in your methods and the process your using. Please post us a how to guide at some point.

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I’m shocked by Tam Kam x Chocolate - what is the reason two relatively non-cold hardy cultivars would have such a hardy offspring? My Tam Kam has tolerated at maybe -11F, but that was in a pot, mulched, sheltered on three sides with one of those directly against a heated room of our home. It still had a little upper branch dieback. Is this result what you anticipated?


Just old fashioned cross by small paint brush by taking male Chocolate flower pollens and brushed them on Tam Kam flowers. Stratified the seeds in the fridge over winter and planted them in the pots for one summer then overwintered them in the garage to harden them up a little bit then planted them the following spring at Mother’s Day then tested them with the following winter.



Nope. I thought it would died with the -18F but somehow It survived.
Let’s see if it can handle a couple more winter low like -18F then I know for sure it is a real deal.



That would be great! Really exciting.

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How many siblings from this cross didn’t survive?

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I usually plant 5 seeds and kept 3 of the strongest seedlings. The three that kept all survived the -18F.



Any new ones coming along this year?