DH got a present for me - long wished one, Owari Satsuma Tree. Unfortunately, the reputable seller I recommended to him didn’t respond to his email fast enough and he ordered one at Fast Growing Trees.com
I received it today:
I have a concern about this tree.
It is extremely leggy and all the length is rootstock. The graft union is very high, right where the branch starts - is it normal?
How do I manage such a long rootstock if it is going to be grown inside? Can I plant it deeper that it is now? It has a root on the soil level, so I guess it will continue grow more roots if I plant it deeper?
Sorry for novice questions, it is my first citrus
And what is appropriate pot size for indoor Satsuma(grown up)? I rather plant it in the maximum pot I can afford in my space. I want to use air pruning pot, so I don’t need to transplant.