New plant to me- suspected invasive!

This Man Documented 5,000 Trees Being Killed By Vines In Takoma Park

MRS G 47

You know those Nurseries still selling these Vines
people need to get on the Open Line News Papers , and explain the cost of the tax payer
(billions a year spent , and lose of Bio diversity , and loss of peoples time)

I know I’ve spend 100’s of hours Killing invasive plants , and I do not even own land it’s fun
(clear spot for playing guitar on bike trail It is a work out tearing tree’s out but some people prefer the gym, but not judging gyms users it’s Okay too I guess)

Here are some spots I tore out large tree’s by roots this big
(I am no He man climb tree’ and used body weight like the Law of mechanics or lever technique )

(see how open Now after all the buckthorn is gone very pretty
how the Water flows around all those tiny Islands the current looks very magical)

By the way I recently actually found out a native’s berries also looks like Porcelain vine (but forget)
not sure if I can find it

What’s the AI in thar? Triclopyr? Imazapyr?

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Picloram is the active ingredient.
Word of caution for anyone using Tordon/Pathway herbicide. Even with minimal, targeted basal application like Clark displayed, it can be detrimental to nearby desirables. I’ve been using it for over 25 years, on undesirables, like honeylocust, elm, and sweetgum.
Several years ago, I had a hackberry seedling that had grown up near the base of a grafted mulberry (10ft tall, probably 4-5" diameter trunk) in the barnlot fence. I cut it off about 2" above soil surface and squirted it with Pathway; not excessive amount, did not get any on the mulberry, but it made the mulberry very ‘sick’ for about 3 years… abnormal curled, chlorotic leaves, no fruit. It appears to have fully recovered, but it has made me switch over to using full strength (41%) glyphosate as a basal herbicide treatment on anything removed within the anticipated rootzone of a desirable fruit, nut, or ornamental tree/shrub.
I’ve heard similar reports from other people using Tordon/Pathway in orchards or on hunting properties. It’s a very effective product, but needs to be used with caution.

My son, who lives in Silver Spring MD had a backyard overrun with porcelainvine, but I spent the better part of a week removing it a couple years back… but on walks around the neighborhoods and through the Sligo Creek greenway… it’s everywhere.


quickly there is a look a like that is native (in grape family like porcelain berry)
it is aggressive

(I cannot find my better resource at the moment , but wanted to point it out)

(Ampelopsis cordata), which is native to the Southern Midwest, but not to the Great Lakes basin. Raccoon grape is aggressive in its native range and may be undesirable in Great Lakes ecosystems)

I cannot make promises, but If I see the better link I was recently reading
I will post here other site with comparisons (sorry my Newer PC history search sucks)

EDIT I wasn’t saying it was the Racoon grape for sure
I do not know I was just pointing out there is a look a like of porcelain berry
This Species called racoon grape all new to me these last two Months
