With mamuang; i would risk cutting it to stop the corkscrew.
Folks here were matbe a bit rough on you obliquely as a “casualty of tyty” which might have felt harsh but here is the scoop:
There are lackluster nurseries…i am not a fan of jungs, gurneys, and a few others because they mislabel, overcharge, etc…
Tyty is almost a shit-show unto itself. There is bad and then there is tyty. You can graft, or chance the pawpaw you got, either is fine…just know why folks bagged so hard on tyty: because they earned it.
You got a decent-looking plant, i would consider it a lucky break and avoid tyty in your future…hard.
Jung Seeds and TyTy are the only two websites I’ve found that have Shenandoah paw paw. If I order one from Jung Seeds what’s the likelihood that that might not be an actual Shenandoah since everyone else is out could these websites be intentionally selling seedlings as imposters? Might be best just to get set up on a waiting list through another website.
It can be hard to find some of these varieties, to be sure!
One Green World sells it, so does Cliff England (http://nuttrees.net/).
Here’s a list of all the nurseries licensed to sell the Neal Peterson pawpaws: https://www.petersonpawpaws.com/nurseries
Check those places out. They won’t necessarily all have Shendandoah, but you should find some good sources. And they are all nurseries of at least reasonable quality. Note that TyTy and Jung’s aren’t on there! That being said, I think Shendandoah either isn’t patented or is off patent, so anyone can legally graft that (if I’m correct about the patent).
According to KY State, Shenandoah™, Rappahonack™, and Susquehanna™ were patented in 2004, so the patent is still active. A patent search shows three pawpaw patents (all from Neal) for varieties named Levfiv, Aidfievate, and Wansevwan, so he has different trademarked names for them. It looks like all the other varieties are tradmarked (™), but not patented. Technically, you could propagate those, but not call them by their trademarked names. As far as TyTy and Jung’s carrying those varieties, Neal notes on his website that other vendors could be buying from wholesale nurseries.
Also, please don’t take my armchair understanding of patent law as legal advice!
Not a fan of jung And for Pawpaws especially you will get a very small plant, but vastly better than tyty. That said as a note of their lots of other places you can go also
Only plant that I bought that did not have a label was one from a Home Depot online seller named Online Orchards. I bought a peach tree from them and quickly returned it because if they could not be bothered to label it who knows what I was getting. Issue is a lot of nurseries are already sold out for the entire season. I will be having to wait until September to order a Honey Babe and Elderado Peach from Bay Laurel Nursery. Sucks but we will have to wait.
I know this topics about burned out obviously Tyty is not the higher standard for nurseries but I wanted to give a little respect out to PlantOGram I just received four avocado trees that were identified by three different techniques they wrote the name on the container, they had the regular plant tag and then they had a nice identification information tag for each tree very professional nice trees. At least with three different tags they would not accidentally get plants mixed up. They could have stayed in the 3 gallon containers for a little longer half the soil fell apart when I repotted them but a lot of healthy new roots we’re in there.
A bit of history for ‘newbies’…as many of you know, Dave’s Garden is a good clearinghouse for info and reviews of nurseries.
Early on, like in the very early 2000s, reviews for TyTy and its myriad incarnations (Aaron’s/Patrick’s) were so consistently (and truthfully) horrible, that TyTy threatened DG with legal action if they didn’t remove them, which they eventually did.
So…there is no review for TyTy at Dave’s Garden, and it behooves us who know to try to protect unsuspecting gardeners.
I guess they could sue growing fruit,like DG,but the outcome may not be favorable for them,so it may end up being only a threat.It’s possible Dave didn’t want the hassle and gave in.
Aren’t there lawyers on this forum,Mike @mes111 ?,that could give us advice concerning whether or not,we can legally,publicly judge an offending business,by posting comments?
I am not an expert in slander & libel laws, but, the general rule is that truth is an absolute defense. The danger comes when someone who is angry mis-states the facts or instead of saying "he did not refund my money " saying “he is dishonest” or “he is a rip off artist thief”.
I agree,that name calling,(which starts a lot of times,during childhood,often between siblings)and untrue information,shouldn’t be in reviews,but it comes out sometimes in arguments.What Lucky was describing though,actually happened,in most of the transactions and was detailed in writing, by a lot of people.
To me,the passing of the Consumer Review Fairness Act was a big deal.
This is a perfect example of the answer being different if the question was on a lawschool exam or in real life.
On the exam the answer is "the defendant stated an accurate fact so if he is sued he wins"
In real life the answer is "the defendant stated an accurate fact so if he is sued he wins, but as soon as the verdict comes in, he has to mortgage his house to pay the legal fees and costs"
Some unscrupulous companies try to get a reputation of agressively using lawsuits as a form of intimidation to keep from being sued.