I just bought a pawpaw from Tyty nursery but no tag was on it actually identifying which pawpaw it is. Is it normal not to have a tag on a tree? I would hate to plant it and spend multiple years growing it if it’s not the actual pawpaw I want. I’m thinking about buying another one from another site to ensure I get the pawpaw I want.
TyTy has a VERY bad reputation as a nursery.
I personally would not buy from them because of their bad reputation.
Your new Pawpaw. ?
Good luck
It’s just as well that there is no tag, that way you won’t be disappointed when it is wrong.
If it turns out to actually be a pawpaw, you can graft a good variety to it after its well established.
edit: generally you’ll want at least two for cross-pollination anyway, so makes sense to buy another you know you want - and if you have suspicions of what this one was supposed to be, might as well pick a different one. I had good success with the few pawpaw grafts I’ve done, so I assume they are easy, like pome fruits.
Honestly you are lucky to not get a tag as it could be labeled properly now
If your in 8b planting zone …I would try and get Mango or other southern varieties. It may be tricky. I got some swamp varieties from 8b in South Carolina. Haven’t fruited for me yet. But they are growing. Would love to help if I can.
I already have a SUSQUEHANNA pawpaw I just planted and the pawpaw from Tyty was a Shenandoah. I haven’t been able to find a good size Shenandoah I think I’m a little late buying it. I’ll look up mango if I can find a good 5’-6’ I might consider that.
Good luck with that. Two foot has been the largest I have found. With their taproots smaller is actually better anyway.
Think Susquehanna may work…doubt Shenandoah does.
I’m grafting several 8b cuttings onto rootstock in the near future…they are all from 8b South Carolina. Found them hog hunting in the swamp along the floodplain of the Savannah River. If none of your trees end up fruiting…Id love to get u some seeds or cuttings.
I appreciate that, but I only need one more that’s all the room I have I’m going to go ahead and go online and try to get something in the ground pretty quick but thanks anyway
Gotcha…your just on the borderline of pawpaw…so variety and ( rootstocks in particular) will be very helpful.
Willis Orchard has Collins and seedling in large sizes. My personal experience with their trees has been good (i have read negative reviews from them though). They offer up to 7-8’ tall.
Apparently Tyty sells under several business names …
“ Best-Price-Plants.com aka Aaron’s Farm aka Tytyga “
From Dave’s garden what’s the scoop on Aaron’s nursery…
Buyer beware !
There is nothing worse than getting a mislabeled tree. I would rather have a dead tree than one that is mislabeled. You put in your time and money to grow the tree and it turns out to be something that night not even be adapted to your site.
Both Willis and TyTy have pretty bad reputations. Yes, accidents happen but some places do not even seem to care.
If you got a live plant from TYTY count yourself lucky. Ordered from them, once, early in my career. Received fully-leafed barefoot trees in mid-February, here in KY. ALL were evidently seedlings, with no discernible graft/budding scar. Got AU plums, mulberry, dont recall what else, but of those that arrived alive and survived, none were ‘as labeled’, or even worthy of having been planted.
Since it has no label I have to assume it’s not what I ordered and I will be planting it near the wood line for the wildlife. I’m not wasting a good spot or time planting a possible impostor.
Your pawpaw tree from TyTy have roots? The one I got years ago had a tap root and nothing smaller. Needless to say it was dead.
I got a mislabeled hardy kiwi… was supposed to be an Anna female and instead was an unidentified male. (meaning I had two males that I grew for years only to find out they were both males)
That tap root Is circiling. It looks like the plant is rootbound. Can you stretch it out? If not, I would considering a more drastic measure. I would not plant it with the main root circling like that.