Fireblight won’t affect the fig FYI. Look on wikipedia for a list of affected tree specific.
Side note, the wiki entry is a wild ride:
The disease is believed to be indigenous to North America, from where it spread to most of the rest of the world.
Fire blight is not believed to be present in Australiathough it might possibly exist there.[2] It has been a major reason for a long-standing embargo on the importation of New Zealand apples to Australia.[3]Japan was likewise believed to be without the disease, but it was discovered in pears grown in northern Japan. Japanese authorities are, however, still denying its existence, and the Japanese scientist who discovered it is believed to have committed suicide after his name was leaked to affected farmers.
I don’t see any reason to take such a drastic action, its a pretty well established tree. Bark looks fine to me honestly, aside from the obvious strikes on the small branches. I would just remove the obvious strikes + 6 inches.