I have three apples trees in pots, with heirloom varieties that I grafted onto dwarf rootstock. They have been pretty much ignored since the move, but managed to produce a few apples despite neglect and the late frost (I did drag them in and out of the house). They must be varieties that are resistant to cedar-apple rust, because the nearby hawthorn tree was orange with it this year. I don’t have enough apples to test one for ripeness. I am in SE PA, near Reading, Zone 6. Does anyone have suggestions on when the following ripen or what to look for?
Honey Crisp - I think these may be ripe. I knocked one off by accident and it tasted good.
Golden Russet
Zabergau Rienette
(photos in order)
Adam County Nursery is in PA. Here is its maturity chart. Since you are in the same state as ACN, the chart should be pretty accurate for you.
By the way, your Honey Crisp should have shown some reddish stripes by now. Your Gold Rush does not shape like Gold Rush.
Where did you buy your trees from?
Thank you so much! The scionwood was from Fedco. The pots are close together, with multiple varieties on each tree. I may have miss-traced the branch with the apple to the tags. I’ll double check tomorrow. I really need to get them in a better location. This is the apple above that I also thought was Gold Rush. Does the shape look more correct?
Yes, this look more like Gold Rush. If you have enough hot days, Gold Rush will turn quite golden color or at least all yellow without any green. It is a late apple. You may need to wait until late Oct or early Nov.
I am in MA. My Gold Rush does not ripen in time in most years. I have grafted it over to other varieties. I am sure you will have enough time to ripen it.