Oh My seedless muscadine

Mine had some sort of problem when I got it. All the leaves came out deformed and no real growth. I finally got some good growth from the base so I cut the top off and now it is growing, about 15" tall now.


Your OH MY looks healthy now. It is disappointing to get setbacks especially on special plants. My vine was growing about an inch a day until it didn’t. The very tip broke off and it stopped growing for about seven days.

OH My. Picked up speed but still a little slow growing. It is 48" today with 16" remaining to get to the wire. At the current pace it should get a few feet down the wire. In contrast the Hall I planted is 3’ down the wire.

Great to know!
I would not have thought of a Roundup ready GMO grape. Sad.

OH my is starting to grow pretty well. Glad to see it get to the wire. Although I would like to see it run the wire length that probably won’t happen.


OH MY update. The vine as I mentioned before was small so I don’t expect it to grow to the end of the wire provided but I do hope to get a sample of fruit next year. It appears healthy and is now 29" down the wire in one direction and 48" in the other. How is your Oh My or Razz doing?


Mine has grown quite well and I hope to get some fruit next year. Time will tell as always…


I notice your vine from ground height to wire has very few leaves. Are you cutting them off or do they fall off once it starts to spread on the wire?

My two are looking good. Seems to grow around 1” per day.


I haven’t removed any leaves but I did remove all suckers below the wire as Isons suggest. Your right about it having less leaves. The lower leaves are also smaller which probably contributed to the slow start. My vine has settled down to growing about 1" per day. I’m getting a few small spurs so I might get a few fruit next year.

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Hope your vine does well.

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Mine is about the same size. Mine looks to be putting out more lateral growth than yours instead of going down the wire. I guess vertical growth is more natural than horizontal. I do pinch the tips. For the last month mine have been putting small flower clusters out on the lateral tendrils. I thought they might fruit late in the year like my Late Fry did its first year but the flowers never develop.


Oh My spurs. The leaves have dropped and the spurs/buds are exposed. The vine started out small and I think that it grew fairly well. My goal was to get the vine onto the wire and for it to grow enough spurs to get a few fruits next year. There is about 12 spurs (some longer than others) so I think there is a reasonable expectation for a small sample next year.


I noticed some recent positive feedback about “Oh My” in the muscadine threads. :slightly_smiling_face: Now at the moment, only Gurney’s is selling it online and apparently they are too lazy to treat their potted plants to qualify for shipping to a number of states, including CA. Perhaps though they ship bareroot during the winter?

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We relocated in 2021 and I carefully brought with me and planted my OH My. It has recovered and has a good crop of fruit this year (estimated 30-50 pounds). The vine vigor and disease resistance appears similar to my other muscadine varieties. Last year I only had a small sample of fruit but this season there is enough fruit to test out the fresh taste, cooking, and fresh frozen. I plan to do another update when they ripen.


I looks like I can order them via Lowes during the bareroot season.


any other updates on Oh MY? I never considered adding a muscadine to my property but I was just thinking the previous owner had horses so we have a section of fence posts left that are cemented in anyway that would make a great trellis. sounds like Oh MY is the way to go for a seedless variety over razz and seedless fry. just wish I could snag a rooted cutting so I didn’t have to pay up the wazoo to gurneys to give it a go.


@Auburn has been posting about his in other threads … rates them highly.


Oh My is an expensive vine to buy and I haven’t seen any signs of the owners reducing the price. My vine has performed well and I have no regrets purchasing it. Seedless is a trait that was important to me but I have other seeded ones to me that taste better.


This is a link to more Oh My information


My local Home Depot has Oh My muscadine for 30$. The label and wholesale sticker on pot said “oh my “ but the receipt printed as “razzmatazz”. I hope it’s the oh my aa I’ve heard good about that one and not so much razzmatazz