I called my self doing some branch training and ended up snapping off the flavor grenade branch of my 4x1 pulot from raintree. The bud/branch did not completely separate but I estimate its a least a 50% separation. I immediately grab the twin and started tied it in place. Crossing my fingers.
Can you see the pealing bark below the break? is that a problem I am unaware of? the rootstock is St. Julian A
I feel your pain. I did that trying to spread branches on my Kidd’s Orange Red apple tree a couple years back. Set me back on fruit a year because I had to cut out the leader.
I attended a demo at a commercial orchard once. They were demonstrating the spindle system on a row of honeycrisp. The guy bent the first branch to the wire and … snap!
Those pluots tend to grow upward, I gave up and just let them go. I directed growth by pruning to an outward bud. It works. . The plum trees seem to be a lot stronger than peach, yet you snapped it all the same!