NO!!! haha Not in my mind!!! But that is why I’m afraid Drew might be serious or that someone out there is eating slugs. Maybe a snail has slime in its shell, but it least it doesn’t leave that awful slime trail everywhere it goes. ha. And like every kid, I’ve poured salt on a few slugs…after seeing that the thought of eating one is beyond me. And I eat almost any exotic food!
They both leave a slime trail. You can cook and eat many kinds. Those of us who think we have slug problems should see the banana slugs in the coastal west. Now THAT is a slug.
If you’re not too faint of heart, here’s a recipe for one way to prep slugs that’s different from the garlic and butter. Don’t follow the link if such things make you queezey.
All things considered, slugs and snails don’t increase the size of fruit.
Just like chicken
Of course, they should be served with fruit. Just like everything else.
OK, I completely lost my mind while reading that link/recipe. As a hunter and generally all-around adventurous eater, I truly am known by friends and family for my willingness to eat many things others scoff at. But this? Who knew when I logged onto my favorite fruit site today I’d hear about people eating slugs and see instructions for doing so. Wow. Just wow.
Bet they would be good fish bait but I don’t think I would care for escargot.
OOH that kindnof hurt. I would hope an apricot would be bigger than a cherry.
Does this seem about normal in size?
And while we are at it… is this the reaction i should be looking for??
I don’t know what the normal size is, but for that guy, it’s a perfect size to claim as his prize.
That’s not normal size for Tasty Rich. It’s about the size of mine this yr. There are many factors that affect fruit size: rootstock, watering, thinning, weather.
Mine this yr were the smallest ever but also the best tasting. Mine were small due to rootstock and watering. If small because they were under thinned quality would probably be awful.
Have you or do you grow Honey Lite nectarine? Low acid fruit//yellow flesh. Oh man…i ate a couple this morning (Sam’s Club has them) that were out of this world good. Some of the best store bought nectarines i’ve ever had. I’m growing out these pits.
Those tasty rich look tiny, but if they are good…who cares. My Mericrest nectarines were tiny, but delicious. We just ate them faster
Not sure how much of a food historian you are, but this is roughly people’s opinion of lobsters two hundred years ago. Sea bugs that eat bottom poop. Disgusting.
Yeah… Pretty small of you ask me. The tree isn’t really at all that big though, so i don’t know.
I’m with you on taste, but to have a tree with 30-40 peaches that taste great, but aren’t much bigger than a few cherries put together is s bit of a let down… don’t you think?
I actually did know that, and it’s amazing. I’ve heard the Pilgrims were completely discgusted by native Americans eating those “disgusting” lobster. HOWEVER…if you are trying to suggest that in 200 years people will be eating slug-rolls and butter dipped slugs in fancy restaurants and laughing at how people used to be grossed out…then I say with all due respect, Ryan, that you have lost your mind just like I did when I read this! hahaha
They already do. It just needs to have a fancy French name and be served in small portions with tiny forks. Escargot.
Which, if you haven’t had them, are not unlike eating tiny strips of Goodyear tire…
You guys are obviously having fun at my extreme reaction to eating slugs! hahaha Few things bug me this way, and I actually tried escargot once and it wasn’t bad. But for some reason that seems like 10000 miles from slugs!!! You did point out earlier that they both leave slime trails so I honestly don’t know why I’m freaking out so much over this. I’ve eaten fish eye balls, testicles from sheep and cow, horse meat, chicken feet, beef tongue (love that), Stomach lining (honeycomb tripe), pig intestines (Chitlins), snake, and much more. But the thought of eating a slug litterally makes me shudder. So its not that I’m not adventurous or that I’m picky. But eating a big piece of slimey something that crawls around and leaves slime everywhere and always feels wet and cold and slimy and spews big slime balls when hit with salt…I can’t explain it…I guess we all have our things…but friends, this guy isn’t eating a dang slug for love or money!
Maybe try thinning like crazy…
Yes, and I have to but not the one I posted those big ones only eat rotted wood.