Yeah…they were a FN fruit for sure. I had a few that were just pure sweet/sugar/honey… mine were also soft. I had soft spots that i had to cut off a few…i made sure i ate them quick. My blood sugar probably still hasn’t come back down.
The plumcot/pluot plum things they have were really good, but almost too explosive…i ended up cutting them with a sharp knife. Reminded me of Superior plums.
yes I bought some of those as well. Very hit or miss. Some were dynamite, others tasted horrible. A few of them my daughter took one bite of and threw in the garbage. A few months back sams sold Chilian dapple dandys and they were much better.
Interesting…i saw those there but was scared. I’ve been burnt on bad bags. Its really risky buying those 4lbs and finding out they are all junk.
Those plum things just tasted all plum to me. They aren’t as good as a good pluot off the tree (Flavor Supreme), but doable. I’m sure a good Satsuma/Santa Rosa is better.
Just stumbled across this thread, not much to add except I’ve always said Escargot just proves that if you put enough butter and garlic on anything, people will eat it.
I know im reaaaalllly late to this thread but that link was fascinating. We have often blamed summer dormancy on the reason late fruit didnt size up here. But maybe its the late blooming when its already hot here.