One Green World Disappointment

I heard paw paws have a poor success rate; I’m not upset at them for that, it’s the customer service that bothers me.

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Thank you!

I am starting to think about 3’ to 4’ seedlings instead of grafted name brands. Wish I had Allegheny, Shenandoah and Susquehanna seeds. I know they won’t be exact but I don’t care.

Anyone know where to buy the fruits? I have never even tried a paw paw.


I purchased some from Etsy before, granted the USPS sucks and they were not ideal when they arrived but at least I got a taste before I planted them. Just not sure a mailed paw paw is indicative as to how it will taste when grown in your yard and picked when perfectly ripe. But I have bought several fruits from Etsy either to try or for the seeds in the case of ice cream bean which has a over 100% germination rate haha