One man planting Trees turns arid hills green

Never waste your time listening to haters


Nice story.

I like planting trees but have only a bit under two acres for them. I think in my area, mature tree cover is less than it was ten years ago. Plus, each year the wildfires come. With the fires last year, I arranged for removal of a row of potential giant torch evergreens near the house, for wildfire mitigation. I have tried planting more deciduous, less evergreen, to reduce fire risks. But I think it is a Don Quixote situation.

The fellow in the Indonesia story seems quite admirable. I think his community is better off, having him around. :grinning:

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Good read! It just shows that one person can make a difference!

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It really does and while it’s obvious we have an effect on the land around us to me I just wish more people wanted to work together to make this land a wonderful eden and respect it a bit more as well as all of us not quitting when things don’t go as planned.

@Bear_with_me You know I think all of us out west are going to have to put real effort into preserving our landscape and we are going to have to use tools and start thinking outside the box to protect what we value.

In Colorado I want to plant and help connect 300-500’ wide aspen forest in figure 8s every few hundred square miles.

It’s amazing how many trees use less water than they conserve and can help fix moisture levels in the soil.

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Someone posted this short film to the forum a while back and it seems relevant here:


We saw this movie years ago. It has aged well. Narrated, irrc, by Christopher Plummer, who recently died.


Thank you I watched this movie last night with my mom! Its really a good movie and i definitely agree with @marknmt this animation style is very pleasing to watch and enjoyable and the whole movie just has a good tone to it. I really enjoyed this style of animation and narrating and find it soothing but its an amazing story anyways

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For a different experience, here is Robert J Lurtsema (famed Boston radio broadcaster) reading The Man Who Planted Trees, the story that the video was based on. The Paul Winter Consort provides a musical background.