Oneal blueberry

Getting a few berries to start ripening so I tossed the net on.


That’s the best looking and biggest Southern Highbush I’ve seen.Is that grafted to a Rabbiteye?Also,the net,is it this one or similar?bb


I don’t know if the nets are the same or not. The one I used was in the camping section of Walmart. They are light weight so they might not last long. It is the Oneal grafted onto Tifblue.


Gosh, Bill! I agree with Bradybb. :+1:t2: I can’t believe you have some ripening already! And that is a great netting solution.
Blueberries are ‘supposed’ to do very well, here in VA. But, mine struggle. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong . . . but I keep trying. I have an O’Neal . . . but it never really took off. Do you have any fertilizing/care advice?

The primary reason for the Oneal is for early ripening berries. It starts blooming early but as of now I have been able to get a decent sample (1-2 quarts) early but nothing compared to my other varieties. Oneal will be finished ripening when my others start so I can move the net over to another bush. It is about 7’ high and would be higher if I didn’t head it back. I believe the Tifblue root is what makes it work. Tifblue appears to handle higher ph soil than other varieties but it is not my favorite for taste. I don’t do anything special to my plants. I did put a handful of 10-10-10 around it.

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What a great success!

Even O’neils growing in perfect blueberry soil in south east NC where they were developed do not look that good

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I love blueberries. Just picked up several pro tips staggering varieties so I dont have buckets to process in the same week .
It must be Oneal or a similar early variety that is grown near my Ex Inlaws. Elizabeth, PA .I enjoy the Patch, I was stunned by the sign that welcomed you to Leave cash in Jar & pick at your leasure.
Are Oneal Blueberries thornless?

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Every Blueberry plant


Well. Certainly displays my knowledge. Thanks.

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This is impressive. Any idea what’s your soil pH? Also do you water them with city water, aka neutral pH? Did you ever amend your soil for the rootstock?

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I can only guess. My low end ph meter indicated 6-7 but I don’t know if it is accurate. No amendments and only in long dry conditions did I add city water. I did water regular the first couple of years after planting but before grafting Oneal.

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All the blueberries I have ever seen are thornless. Blackberries can have thorns or be thornless depending on variety.

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Many plant species have thorns as juveniles but are thornless in the adult reproductive phase.


My first of the year blueberry harvest. Picked about a cup of Oneal yesterday.


These are my best tasting early blueberries. Even the Southern Highbush varieties are better when they can hang on the bush longer. One mocking bird got under the net and he was quickly released. Hope he forgets where the door is.


Is there a later maturing variety you like even better? Or is Oneal about tops overall?


I have two early ripening varieties Star and Oneal. Oneal is my favorite for taste and size. Millennia is very good tasting but it will start ripening a little later (in 2-3 weeks). Although ripening later Millennia has been a dependable cropper each year and grows better on it’s own roots.

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Lovely blueberries! Great Pics! How much fruit do you get from 1 Oneal plant in 1 year and how old is your plant?

LOL - you and I name our pics and videos in the same format yyyymmdd…

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I’m estimating that I picked about 1 gallon from the Oneal bush this year. This bush is grafted onto Tifblue and I am assuming that it produces more this way but I can’t confirm. It has been grafted about three years.